chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Great it was time for my mission. To stop my team mates for completing their mission. Hannah was sat in the room with me, I know what she was thinking then but I just shook my head. I’ve told Hannah my secret I hadn’t told anyone else and she understood. You wouldn’t think Hannah was new here. I did find out she has a really bitchy, slutty, stupid sister. How were they even related. The only thing that came past her sister was the skits but they had to ‘pink’. Hannah did have one Direction blasting out of my stereo I got for Christmas. What makes you beautiful, Hannah was even humming and dancing to the song, yes she could sing and dance just sometimes you can’t help but to laugh, mostly when she tries and gets you to dance with her. I shook my head I don’t like dancing, never have. I don’t normally give up but this was Hannah, she only know me for like a week but it seemed like she knew me for ages she could just get me to do anything she wanted me to do. Me and her danced happily laughing and enjoying ourselves. Tomorrow was a week end so we both begged Ms Jordan if we could go into town, and she said yes. I guess that’s what we was looking forward to! Me and her get to spend a day together, maybe buying stuff since I have my monthly pay coming in tonight. Mr Fox normally collects it for me however because I have to hand in this paper that sat on my bed, my boss was coming to the school. I wasn’t wearing my school uniform since one it was cold outside two we was in town. Molly walked into the bed room to get changed and we stopped dancing.

“Why did you stop?” Molly asked me and Hannah.

“Because you came in” Hannah replied, Molly just rolled her eyes and went to her wardrobe. I was wearing a dark blue stop with a leather jacket, normal blue jeans. I did have my black trainers on as well, could say I will probably blend into the dark. Then my code name is Ghost (visible),

Code names listed and meanings my ALS and AHR

Luna Sky: Ghost: visible, no one notices her or see her

Molly Shine: mermaid: beauty (Hannah doesn’t like her name)

Yasmin Henry: Cat: proud, likes the warm, friendly

Hannah Rose: Wolf: free run, there for others

Liam Fox: Knife: not to be messed with

Lucy Jordan: We don’t know

I went outside to meet my boss; I still had an hour till my mission. A black Camaro pulled up and a tall dark man stepped out onto St Violets grounds. I walked back into the mansion with him following me. We both walked up to headmistress Jordan’s office.

“Just go down there, I will just go and get the papers” I said the same way I spoke to Liam Fox, once again the agent in me was out. The man nodded and carried on walking. I went back to my room. Molly, Yasmin and Hannah was still in there talking. I didn’t say a word to them; I think all Hannah told them was that I had something to do with Mr Fox. The papers were under my pillow so it wasn’t in sight. They were in envelop, not writing. The girls watched me and I looked at Hannah who mouthed “Good Luck” so I just nodded at her to say “thanks Hannah”. As I headed back up I heard I scream, so next thing I know I was running down stairs to see what was going on. Courtney was kneeling down by a girl I think was called Kelly. I was the first one there.

“What happened Courtney?” I stood over both of them now.

“I don’t know she had this in her hand and she just fell to the floor” I could see she was shaking.

“Let me look at what she was holding” I put out my hand; Courtney didn’t give it to me. That’s till I felt Mr Fox behind me so she placed it into my hand. Mr Fox took it from my hand after and put it to the light. Next thing I know everyone including my boss was round us. Great first time my boss comes to my school some stupid girl falls to the ground, probably holding something she wasn’t meant to have. I looked down at Kelly who was just lying there.

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