chapter 3

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Chapter 3 

It's happened again. The same dream, the same nightmare. I have no clue what's it about, all I can say is I'm in this little girl's body (I don't recognise it), in this dark room, one door. A man or woman walks in and slaps me around the face and tell me to be quite and stop crying. The person walks out and leaves her in the darkness. I can feel her fears, her pain. She has cuts all over her hands and arms. You can hear voices out the door but can't figure them out. She gets up and tries to walk around but she is chain up, when she moves an electric shook hits her, it hurts. I hate this dream. The poor girl alone, no one to love her, she cries for help but just gets told off, no help is coming for her. This girl has dark (very) dark blond hair, very fair skin. She's alone. No way out. I'm not going say the rest. All I know it happens fast. I wake up and all I saw is Molly and Yasmin standing over me, Molly was shaking me to wake me up. I sat up and looked at them. Guess I must have woken them up since the time was 4:55am. They got me out of bed and ran to Headmistress Jordan's office however as we went down I saw Mr Liam Fox room on the door. I waited for them to get down the hallway more before I opened my new teachers bed room door (it wasn't locked). He wasn't in bed, he was just sitting at a desk with his head on the table, so I walked to him and taped his shoulder (It's how I do it back at home, with one touch of someone he will wake up). Mr Fox shoot straight up and looked up at me. He had sleep in eyes, once again been working too much.

"Thought to doctor said take it easy with work?" I said with a dissapointment in my voice. I did care about him, he's looked after me since I was young, why wouldn't I care.

"You're right like normal Lu, that's why I took this job; keep me off the dangers missions but MI7 didn't want me to stop working so they keep sending me paper work." He was first smiling with the "like normal Lu" (yeah he calls me that) but stopped when he came to the "but". If you want to know what he meant by dangers you got remember he is a spy (the best) he means like going into places he can be killed if he got court or something. It scares me when I know he gets up into stuff like that.

"So did you want something Lu?" he asked and I just sat on his bed trying to think about the dream. I think he could tell I had the same nightmare what I have about home with him. As he got up and walked to a shelf and got out the same stuff from last night. I finely notice what it was. Yes I didn't get my jab this summer, that's probably why I couldn't control myself at times. I waited for him to set it up.

"Sorry about the eye" I had guilt in my voice, how could I not remember what that stuff was? I hurt him.

"What? Oh yeah its fine Luna, you was already scared because of the lights turned off." That's Mr Fox for you. He sat on the bed next to me. Yes it hurt getting the needle studded into your skin. This started to make me sleep so I think Mr Fox put on to my back onto this bed as I fell asleep. I got to admit a lot of the time I do feel like a baby being scared of the dark and try to not be but don't last long. 

The morning came. I sat up and stretched my arms out. (Forgetting I was in Mr Fox's room) I got up and looked around. "Oh great" I said to myself and ran out the room, lucky for me everyone wasn't up yet. Getting to my room four people was in there: Molly, Yasmin, Mr Fox and Mrs Jordan. They all looked at me as I walked in.

"What's going on?" I asked them.

"We need to talk Luna" my heart started pounding. It can't be about my reaction yesterday since after I let Fox fix me up last night with the gab. I got into my school uniform forgetting a boy was in the room but then he has seen me change before, changed me or helped.

"It's about them men that chased you..." Mr Fox stopped in mid sentence because Mrs Jordan hit his arm. I got changed and went down with my friends to eat breakfast. I looked back at my two teachers who were walking together, that is when I notice the other student was watching them laugh. This did start to make me feel a bit sick however Mr Fox was a lot younger than Mrs Jordan so no way they could even be in a relationship. As I watched them I noticed I have never seen him so happy not even when it was the two of us joking around, having fun days out. He was laughing and smiling if a different way. I looked away right then I felt useless, my arm still killed me from the needle, he was gentle with that one. We got to the doors and walked in. I heard people whispering about Mr Fox, great more rumours and this time about the person I trust most.  

Facts and rumour about Mr Liam Fox (made by Luna Sky)

1.         Liam killed his own farther: 100% Rumour, I've met his dad

2.        Mr Fox saved 1000 people form a bomb on ship: half rumour half fact

3.        Fox was one of the youngest people to become an A rank Agent: fact (said he was one of the best)

4.         Mr fox is going out with the headmistress: Rumour (no way he would do that he's only 26)

As I sat there eating my toast lots of people was crowding My Fox asking him questions. Don't think he could even try and eat without having a girl in his face; I had to admit it was the new comers asking him stuff. He even looked at me like he was asking for help. I just sat and watched. He was walking towards my table but Ms Fib called him over to the teachers table. Even Mr Wind walked to the new comers and told them to leave their Field teacher alone. When you think about it he's still an Agent so that might make them a bit more curious even for my year it was super cool having a real life still around working Spy in our school at the same time will be teaching us Field. Mr Fib had to a little bit annoy since he has been moved to history when I think he loved doing field. If you looked at it closely you will understand why Mr Fox became the field's teacher and not the new history one since he still works in the field so will have the experience. I just looked away when he got to the table (was trying not to laugh at my teacher). I just ate my toast and got up. I looked at my watch to see what the time was. I only got 5 more minutes before I had to start getting to my first class. I sat back down when Molly came back and looked at me she didn't even say anything just looked. It was kind of creepy. Yasmin was even looking at me like I was crazy. Once again I wanted to turn on my ghost. The whole year was looking at me. Need turn to my ghost. Oh and the second thing if you have a really good conversation to Mr Fox you will know how smart he really is, not that he looks stupid or anything it's just he is really good also great with people come on he did take me in when he could have said no, only 26 remember so yes he was in his teens, alright it was his dad who took me in at first but when he came older he took me off his dads hands since I was driving him crazy, well in Liam Fox's words. 

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