chapter 12

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reveiw: went to walk to my room when i saw Hannah laying on the floor. WHAT THE HELL HAPPEND?!


Chapter 12

The beeping was driving my head crazy but I didn’t want to leave her side. It’s been a week since it felt like I had been hit round the head when I saw her lying lifeless. She’s not dead because I can see her breathing. Ms Jordan isn’t happy since we got the results back from her blood test. However did this is going to die. They put this weird stuff that can kill you if you have a lot in your system, luckily Hannah didn’t have a lot, only half a teaspoon. Mr Fox and all the teachers are looking out for anyone who’s acting strangely. I have not left her side since I found her lying on the cold stone floor near my tower. I haven’t even slept because I’m scared something will happen. Liam has given me the work I have to do and I do it, after he takes it to my teachers. Oh yeah I haven’t hardly eaten as well. The hospital here had plan white walls with a light blue and black stone floor. The curtains are a light pink colour with red roses on them. Lights go across the room, doesn’t help your eyes. It’s sometimes like you’re in Heaven when you wake up on the beds here (what are really soft).  The nurse walked in to check on her.  

“Has she moved or anything Luna?” she asked me, her voice was so soft and nice unlike some of the nurses here they sound like they want to kill you.  All I could do was shake my head and wait for to walk up; I even started to sing to myself.  She was so lifeless lying on the bed I sometimes wondered if she was even alive. Outside it was a sunny day; you could see the flowers from daisies to roses relaxing in our flower garden (what is behind this part of the school). I think the girls will be outside playing, swimming or just sun bathing, make the most of the weather before winter rolls in. I should be out there; well I should be out there with Hannah. I got up because I needed to go and do something. When I got back a man was standing over her bed, I couldn’t help myself but to yell at him to get but when he refused to leave I ran up to him and punched him in the stomach. He fell to his knees in pain (yeah I don’t have a nice punch, once I broke Courtney’s ribs by punching them); he held on and lay on the floor. I walked over to him as he looked up at me. Where have I seen that look in his eyes before? He just gave my smirk, wait now I know, he works with Liam, and I’ve seen him around but never spoke to him.

“Got a mean punch there Luna isn’t it?” Great he knows my name.

“Whatever and yes but what are you doing here?” I felt like shouting but I was scared it would wake up Hannah so I didn’t

“Here because I heard one of the children here had been poisoned and if I could help find out who did it” We can handle everything ourselves than a stupid agent like him.

“Great, what’s your name?”  I asked him.

“Luke, Luke Scott”                                                                                      

A few days past after he came to our school and we still haven’t found out who did what they did to Hannah. Hannah hasn’t even woken up. Yes I still haven’t slept, even he is saying for me to go to bed but if you know me I won’t give in. Oh in PE I made Molly’s nose bleed because she was saying mean things about Hannah. Sorry but if you want to be mean about someone and maybe bully them you’re going to pay the price. That’s when the nurse ran into the hut and shouted my name. We both ended up running out however my teacher didn’t want me to leave because she wanted to do something with me since I’m the best fighter out of my class but I went to where Hannah was. I felt so happy to see the girl I was so worried about, that she would never wake up but there she was eating ice cream. Ha not what you normally eat when you wake up after you have been poisoned. The nurse told me that some reason she had a craving for Ice cream when she woke up and even started to shout “Ice cream ice cream we all scream of ice cream” Hannah is one crazy girl. I walked up to her bed and next thing I knew she was giving me a bear hug.

“I missed you so much Luna” she said squeezing me harder.

“Hannah might help if she could breathe” a voice came from behind us, great he was here.

“Who are you?” Hannah asked letting go of me. Hey mate let two friends speak first before you can talk! 

“Luke” he said sitting on her bed. Right give him one second to get his ass of that bed or I will do it for him. I just watched him as they talked about how she was feeling, did she sleep well and was she enjoying her ice cream. Okay I love this girl even more she’s eating bubble gum ice cream! Yeah he’s asking her questions and she’s still eating the ice cream.

“OUCH!” she screamed out in pain. I quickly got up and Luke looked at her “Brain freeze!” she yelled. And that’s why you don’t eat ice cream so fast or so much at once. I couldn’t help but to laugh and she laughed with me

“Doesn’t that happen to everyone when they eat something that’s cold all at once” I said laughing, even the nurse was laughing with us, only one of us wasn’t laughing that was Luke.         

“Hannah what were you doing before you fell onto the floor?” He asked, we all stopped knowing we all wanted to find who did this to her and make them pay (well I wanted them to pay)

“Trying to find Luna because I didn’t feel well and I didn’t want to be aloe in the room with them witches”

“Who are the witches?” Luke asked

 “What was you doing before you went looking for Luna?”  The nurse asked.

“Um eating dinner and that was the other thing Luna was missing dinner again”

“Again?” she asked and looking at me, see after that fight with molly and Yasmin about the dark I hadn’t eaten, the nurse was told and told me off and I promised I’d started eating again but you could probably guess I didn’t keep that because one I didn’t go to dinner on that day I forgot then this happened with Hannah so I didn’t eat.

“Yes again”

“Luna Sky I thought we got through this about you not eating!” she was going to shout but just spoke loudly.

“So, I hadn’t eaten with Hannah in here and you didn’t tell me off” the nurse looked down quickly knowing I was right.

“Oh and to answer the question you asked nurse Jen, Courtney gave me this cake and then I felt sick and dizzy, she whispered it was from the girls”    

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