6:I'm A Horrible Friend And Girlfriend

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"No! Ariana come back!"

"Zach! Please don't leave," I said as I held out my hands trying to get him to stop.

The door slammed. Zach and Ariana had just left YougurtLand. I heard Grant curse under his breath. More tears fell and splashed onto the floor.

"Grant what are we going to do?" I said. "I'm a horrible friend. And girlfriend. I cannot believe that just happened. I wish we could tell them it was an accident. I mean I would never, ever deliberately hurt Ariana Like that. Or hurt Zach. They mean the world to me. And me and Zach have only been dating for like 3 weeks and now this happens." 

 Tears started streaming down my face even faster than before and I made whimpering noises.

"And I'm a horrible boyfriend and friend, too," he said. I nodded and he gave me a look that said 'what!'

"What? You said it. I didn't."

"Anyways, you are so right about it being an accident. I mean I care about you but not in the same way I love Ariana. And Zach is like a brother to me. I care about the guy and I definitely wouldn't kiss his girlfriend."

I feel awful. I am the worst friend and girlfriend in the world. I don't want to lose Ariana or Zach. This is a disaster! I did not envision tonight going like this.

I buried my face in my hands and sobbed and sighed.

"Hey, Abby?"

"Yeah," I said looking up at him, still whimpering.

"Need a hug?"


I put my arms under his and put my hands on the back of his shoulders. I rested my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my back and started talking to me.

"Look, Abby. It's going to be ok. We'll figure this out. You and Ariana are awesome friends. You guys will get over this eventually."

"Really?" I asked. "But what about Zach?"

"Yeah. I don't know. But it will be for the best in the end."

"I love you Grant. But like a brother. You know what I mean."

"I love you too. Like a sister," he said.

We stopped hugging. I felt better but tears were still falling down my face. I was really scared about what would happen between me and Ariana. We have never had a fight like this before. Noting this serious ad ever come between us. And it was a disaster.

"Right. So Grant I'm gonna go home now. I'm tired and i need to think over what happened in the last 2 hours."

"Ok. I think I'm gonna go home now too. I need to think about what to do about Ariana. And Zach I mean I just kissed his girlfriend. Do you need a ride home." 

I nodded. He drove me me and we were both silent the whole time. When he got t my house he leaned aver and gave me a quick hug and told me everything as going to be ok.


"See ya, Abs."


I laid in my bed, on Sunday night, trying to fall asleep. But I couldn't because I kept thinking about what was going to happen between me and Ariana. And Zach. I was more worried about Ariana than Zach because I could get a new boyfriend but a best friend isn't so easily replaced. I tried really hard to fall asleep but, my mind kept wandering to them.

I'm just going to call her.

I sat up in bed, grabbed my pone off my nightstand and unplugged it, and dialed her number.


It's ringing and it's ringing and...

"Hey, sorry I couldn't get tho the phone, but leave me a message and I'll call you back as soon as I can!" Her voicemail answered instead of picking up the phone.

"Ugh, stupid voicemail! Crap!"

I threw my phone at the ground and my mom heard it on the first floor.

"Abby? Is everything ok up there?"

"Yeah sorry, Mom."

I looked at my phone to make sure it wasn't cracked. It wasn't. But it was 11:00. I went back to bed. Sorta.I basically just laid there looking at my ceiling. Again. I couldn't sleep. I didn't fall asleep until after midnight which I was not happy about.

What am I going to do? I'll just talk to her at school. She can't send me to voicemail mail.


Maybe she couldn't send me to voicemail but she could ignore me the entire day. Zach was capable of that too. They ignored me and avoided me and didn't make eye contact with me the entire day. They pretended I was invisible, like they couldn't see me. At one point, Tyler Smith pointed me and had said hi but Zach said nothing! He didn't even look at me. They did it with Grant also. I asked him during PE, the only class I had with him. At the end of the day I finally got to talk to Ariana. I trapped, must to her displeasure, her after science, our last class.

"Ariana, stop, I really need to talk to you. Right now!" I grabbed her arm.

"Well tough, because I don't want to talk to you. You kissed my boyfriend! And them you try to call me to make it up to me?!" She exclaimed as she jerked her arm out of my hand sharply.

"Hey! What does it look like I'm trying to do know? AND I tried to stop you before to explain to you want really happened. I have tried talk to you a million times today but you ignored me all damn day," I said angrily. Ariana looked surprised because she knows I only swear when I'm really mad. And even them the worst I say is "damn". "And I know, I kissed you're boyfriend     but--"

But I didn't get to finish because Grant came. I felt the tension grow. I shifted from foot Ariana gave him the evil eye. And almost rolled her eyes.  And with good reason because his next words made my blood boil. So much I almost punched him in the jaw.

"Ariana, I think we should break up."




I didn't really like this one that much but I still needed to update it so here you go!

-Amanda <3

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