12:Grounded... Or Maybe Not

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Nothing is what I have to do at this very moment. And it sucks and I hate it. Unfortunately I was only 1 week into my grounding.

God, I need a life. Wait no scratch that. I have a life, my parents are just keeping it from me. Oh joy.

Since I have nothing to do. I sit on my bed and twiddle my thumbs. I start thinking about how ridiculous this is. Instead I drift my thoughts to Zach. I love him. I haven't loved anyone before. (Like a relationship type thing.) The thought of letting my guard down to someone who could potentially hurt me very bad, scared me. Yes, I cared about him, but what if he doesn't feel the same way. I've had crushes end like that (who hasn't) and it's not the best feeling, but a full on relationship ending like that? I might as well quit while I'm ahead.

I decide to think about something else but my thoughts keep drifting towards him and the possible heartbreak in my future.

"Ugh I can't take being locked up in this bedroom any longer!" I storm out of my room and down the stairs. "Mom I can't be in there any--"

"I'm going to stop you right there. I understand you don't enjoy being grounded, sweetheart, but you deserve it. At least you did until Zach came over and talked is out of your grounding."

It was then that I realized my boyfriend was here. I opened my mouth in shock and stepped back. I eventually overcome it and leap it to his arms and kiss his cheek.

"Oh Zach I'm so sorry for the way I treated you. I'm sorry, I am so so sorry. And I love you too. I realize that now. I love you Zach."

He kept hugging me and he caressed my hair. He also kissed my cheek, below my ear. He eventually put me down and said he needed to leave; his parents only allowed him to be gone for a short time in order to tell my parents what had happened. He opened the door and walked out. I ran up the stairs, grabbed my phone and texted Emma and Ariana.

Me: Guys! I'm not grounded anymore! Zach came and talked to my parents and convinced them to unground me. Isn't he great?!

Emma: WHAT?! I thought you hated him after what happened at the party.

Ariana: Yeah, me too.

Me: I did. But after what happened today I changed my mind. He may make bad decisions often but he makes good ones and he has good intentions. Most of the time at least.

I turned off my phone and tossed it into my bed. I layed on my bed and thought about what to do next. I settled on scrolling through Instagram. I ran out of feed and started looking through my pictures, smiling whenever I saw ones from times when me a Zach were hanging out or me and the girls. While I was scrolling through them I got a text from Emma.

Ariana's unconscious. And in the hospital.

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