22:Taken... Again

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I am sooooo sorry. School just stated and homework has been piled on. Also, I have NO idea what to write for chapter 23 so any ideas would be AWESOME.

I yawned as I dialed his number. He picked up immediately. I talked before he had the chance to say anything, "Come to Tyler's now. I need a ride. I'll decide whether or not to explain when you get here." I hung up and waited for Zach. He arrived about 5 minutes later and I got in the car right away. All I said was, "Date gone wrong. Take me home." I lived about 25 minutes away. I dozed off and woke up what felt like hours later. Turns out it was only 15 minutes.

I yawned and looked around. I jumped up in my seat when I realized we were nowhere near my house. In fact, I have no idea where we are. It's like the middle of the woods.

"Zach, why did you bring me here?! And while we're on the subject, where the hell is here?!"

"So we could talk about what you saw with Savannah!"

I rolled my eyes. "I really don't want to talk about this now. It's like 11:30, I'm tired and I want to go home!"

Geez, I sound like a brat.

Well, you kind of have a right.

"Well sucks for you because I drove us here, you're welcome by the way, you have no idea where we are, and you don't know how to get home. So looks like you're stuck with me. And you have to listen or I will just leave you here," he said angrily.

"Fine. Just hurry up and talk so I can get h--" I was interrupted by Zach's lips smashing into mine. He pulled away and I just stared at him. Then, I got mad. "What the hell, Zach?! You can't just go around kissing people so they will forgive you! And really you can't go around kissing people. Period. Especially when you have a girlfriend." I turned and faced the window.

"That's exactly my point, Abby, I didn't kiss her."

"Yeah right, and I've got 20/20 vision," I said pointing to my glasses. "Was I just imagining you and Savannah kissing, or were you actually helping her get something out of her mouth?" I retorted looking back at him.

"Gosh Abby, you are just so damn stubborn sometimes. Just shut up and listen to me. And why don't you trust me anyways? I was your boyfriend."

I turned to face him completely. "Because it's pretty hard to believe something when you witnessed the opposite with your very own eyes. And aren't you supposed to be a bad boy or something. Face it, Zach, your rep plus what I saw wasn't exactly working in your favor."

"Anyways," that's what I thought. "I was waiting for you to come over for our date and she came over asking for help with her science homework. I didn't want to but she pushed her way in, found my room and sat on my bed. Eventually she just got up and kissed me, right when you walked in. I promise."

"You could have shoved her off. To the floor, hard. Or told her to get the hell out of your house. I warned you Zach. I told you what a terrible, manipulative jerk she was. But did you believe me, no. Why didn't you trust me? I was your girlfriend," I said mocking him.

"I thought you were just jealous!"

"Ugh, I don't even care anymore."


Shut up, self.

"Take me home, Zach!"

"No! Not until you believe me. Not until you forgive me. Why would I choose her when I have you? I love you, ok. I love your beautiful brown eyes. I love your smile. I love it when you laugh because your mile gets even more beautiful. I love your glasses. I love your hair. I love your lips and the way you kiss me. I love how much you love running. I love the way you love your friends. I love that you make me laugh and that you get me. I love us. I love you. So much. And it crushes me, ok, crushes me to know that I don't have you anymore. We only dated for 6 months but they were the best 6 months of my life. And I hate that your birthday is this month and I don't get to be there with you. I want to be with you when you turn 16. You make me happy. And I miss you so much. It broke me watching you kiss Tyler."

"Ugh, don't even talk about him right now."

He hesitated for a second, but grabbed my hand in his. "Do you forgive me?"

I took a deep breath. "Yes. I'm sorry... I just didn't know what to think. It hurt me too. I'm sorry about Tyler. I just thought it would hurt you to see me with your best friend."

"Are we together again?"

"Do you agree Savannah is terrible person and should just fall off the face of the Earth?"


"And that I was right all along and that you should've believed me?"


"Ok, I'll be your girlfriend again."

"Good because I don't think I could've survived another day without you." He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"I missed you."

"I missed you, too."

"I'll take you home. Oh, by the way, what happened at Tyler's?"

"Oh... um... he... uh... tried... to..."

"Spit it out, Abby."



Oh crap.

He sped to my house and dropped me off. He only kissed my cheek, practically pushed me out of the the car, and sped off again. I just sighed, walked in the house, and went upstairs to my room. I changed into my pjs, brushed my teeth and hair, washed my face, and got into bed.


"Oh. My. God," Ariana said gasping.

"What?" I asked. Emma and I both turned to see what she was going on. "Oh crap. Zachary!" I brought my hand to my forehead.

Tyler was walking down the hall with a big, black eye, and a bruised jaw and bicep. He stared at me as I he walked by. Zach followed after him and stopped at me. He kissed my forehead. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"What? What did I do?"

"You have Tyler a black eye. And punched his chin. And his arm."

"You know what he did to you!"

"I can take care on myself. You know that bruise on his shin?" He nodded. "Well, that was me. I'm not a baby, Zach. Look, I appreciate you trying to take care of me but that was a little too far." He turned and left nodding.

"See I told you Tyler was gonna get hurt by Zach's fist," Emma said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Oh, shut up."




I hope you guys liked it!! Tell me what you think!

-Amanda <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2017 ⏰

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