8:He's Green With Envy

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"Ariana, listen to me. You have to believe me. I would never ever, ever do something like that purposely. I wouldn't want to hurt you purposely. And I have no idea why Grant broke up with you. He just told me to tell you that he didn't feel the same way of some crap like that. I am so sorry for what happened. Please forgive me."

"It's, it's ok. I do believe you. I know that you wouldn't do that to me. It wasn't that I needed to be convinced, it was that I needed to let myself believe what I already knew. You're one of my best friends."

"I am so happy were friends again."

She pulled me into a hug and I held her tight. After a few minutes, she let go and asked if I wanted to stay for dinner. I said yes and we spend the rest of the night together. I left her house around 8 and came home. I took a quick shower and got into bed. I fell asleep fast, happy that I had my friend back.


I didn't talk to Zach at all the next week. I still talked to Ariana and Emma though. On Tuesday, I told Emma everything that happened between me and Ariana the day before. She was really happy that everything was back to normal. We both were. On Friday, a couple minutes before lunch ended, I was at my locker getting my books for English. I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I thought it was Zach himself. The thought irritated me.

"Zach, what do you--" I turned around and saw Tyler instead of Zach."Oh, uh hi, Tyler. What do you want?" I asked.

Why was a popular boy talking to me? Wait a minute, I'm Zach's girlfriend. And Tyler's his friend.

"Hey Abby. I was wondering if you would go out with me. I heard you and Zach broke up."

We broke up? The fight must have sent all the wrong signals. But I mean I did want to break up with him after...

"Tyler, I would--"

"Tyler?! Did you just ask my girlfriend do go out on a date?!" he was totally jealous. "Man, I thought you were my friend."

"Oh man, I'm sorry dude, I thought you guys broke up. Abby seemed pretty pissed yesterday," he said looking at me. I just smiled.

Oh, I was.

"Well we didn't," he put his arm around my waist and pulled me protectively to his side, I tried to hide the look of disgust on my face. "So you can go and hit on someone else that has a boyfriend now."

Jealous much.

Tyler left. And Zach looked like he wanted to punch him. I did not want Zach anywhere near me, but what had just happened couldn't be left without a comment. And I couldn't resist the urge to make him angry. I pushed him off of me and laughed.

"Zachary Carter. You are jealous!"

"I am not!" he said in almost a whining voice.

"Face it. Your green with envy.  I have a chance with other guys and you are jealous of them. You know that I was mad after yesterday. And that you caused it. You didn't care."

"I'm not jealous."

"You said it yourself that you're friends think I'm smart. And pretty. No, wait a minute, I believe you said they think I'm hot," I said, emphasizing hot. I'm pretty sure I even saw his jaw clench.

"You're just kidding yourself. I have never been jealous. And I'm not jealous now," he said.

"Sure you aren't," I said as I poked him in the chest. I turned on my heal, smirking, and walked to my next class, leaving him back at my locker.


Later on in the day, I decided to go out for a run. I changed into black shorts and a light  purple running tank. I ran 3 miles and was back in about half an hour. My little brother came with me and told me about this girl he had a crush on. It made me happy whenever he told me things like that. When we got back we took showers. After I showered, I was laying on my couch in my pjs with Lily next to me watching tv when I got a text. A text that made me angry.

Just because it may have ruined your friendship doesn't mean you have to get all crazy. Besides she forgave you anyways.


What do you mean I don't have to get all crazy? I totally absolutely with out a doubt do! I could've lost her. And you didn't care!

He still doesn't care! I cannot believe him. Did he honestly think that saying "just because it may have ruined your friendship" is going to make it all better? And then telling me I shouldn't get all crazy? He is making it all worse. He may be trying to help but he is not.

I ended our text conversation there. I turned him on DO DOT DISTURB. I couldn't deal with his carefree attitude any more. He was getting on my nerves and pushing my buttons even more than he already had. The thought of him at the moment infuriated me. I texted the girls.

Guys, Zach doesn't even care that I almost lost Ariana! He said I was acting crazy and overreacting! And that I shouldn't have gotten crazy even though it might have ruined our friendship.

Ariana: What?! Are you serious? I can't believe him.

Me: Ikr! I got so mad. I am so mad.

Emma: Wow. What's his problem?

Me: That's what I thought.

Everything will go back to the way it was before. I think. I hope it does.

While we were texting, I saw I got another text notification. I checked who it was from. Zach had texted me.

I'm sorry.

Me: Too little too late, ZachI don't care. You already made it clear that you don't care what happens between me and Ariana.

Zach: I really am sorry.

Me: Did you... do you even care about me?

He didn't answer. And my heart sunk to the floor.




I hope you guys liked this chapter!

-Amanda <3

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