2~ Pancakes and Glow

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I took the blanket off and went into the hallway. I see a girl come from her bedroom door looking incredibly sleepy. "Morning *yawn* stranger," she says rubbing her eye. "Good morning to you too miss bedhead," I say with a giggle.

I follow Miss Bedhead into the kitchen and sit right next to her. Wait how does she have bedhead if she has a pixie cut? I think to myself. "Morning Alley!" she says probably now more awake then when she was walking down the hallway.

"Good morning pancakes, and good morning sugar," Alley says looking back from where she was standing. "I thought I was sugar," Miss Bedhead complains. "You are," Alley says. "Then whose pancakes?" she says scrunching up her face.

"The person right next to you Miss Bedhead!" I say with a laugh. "Oh so the strangers panca..." Miss Bedhead trails off. "WAIT THERE'S A STRANGER IN THE KITCHEN!" I jump back in my chair and almost fall off. "She's no stranger she's the newest part of the family," Alley says tossing a pancake in the air and catching it with master skill.

"Well then stranger what's your name?" Miss Bedhead asks. "I'm Marcy," I say smiling. "I'm Gloria, but please call me Glow," she says smiling. I put out a hand for fist bump. I see Glow's eyes are watering when she hits my fist "Bro-Fist," she says one the verge of crying.

"Well it looks like Sundays are everyone's lazy days," Alley says putting a stack of pancakes on the table in front of us and sitting down right next to me. "Well, Marcy you'll be in the room on this floor with Glow, if she bothers you just let me know,"

I look at Glow with a smile. I bet we're going to be best friends! I think. Glow starts to tear up again and nods her head closing her eyes. "I will teach you the ways of the fangirl," she says putting a fist to her chest and a fist to the sky.

(A/N) Two chapters in one night!?!?!? HOW DID I DO THIS I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF! Special thanks to Glow_Takes_a_Pen for letting me use her as a character! 

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