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 MAYA'S POV - past tense

                                   The hallways of Abigail Adams High School at 7:17 A.M. were practically deserted, which I had actually grown to like as a junior. Ever since the increasing amount of drama with my "friends" back in 9th and 10th grade, I decided to try it out as a lone wolf for the time being. How long, exactly? Well, that, I never really figured out...

                               Oh, well. It was their loss anyway. Now that I thought about it, tracing the decorations on her locker that spelled out "Happy Birthday" in glittery letters in the dimly lit halls, Riley Matthews was definitely a loss for me. A great friend, an even better girlfriend, I certainly didn't forget the sunshine brunette that had piece by piece broke my heart like it was a machine that needed repairing. Only, I didn't get fixed. I was still shattered. Being at school this early in the morning made me think about how normal 16-year-olds worried about their GPA or college applications; and how I've been stashing the beer and tobacco way in the back of my closet, saved for the nights where I couldn't get through without thinking about that day.

                           I brushed off the breakup with Riley like it was nothing but a mutual agreement that we weren't right for each other. Being with Riley had made me realize that she was the cause of all my pain, my loss, my tears. But also, the reason for my joy, my laughter and my happiness. She was all of it but none of it at the same time. 

                         Whatever, no need to get all mopey at a time like this. You couldn't fix the past, right? Only wish it could be different. And I was in no position to be asking favors. I resumed my business, steering myself away from Riley's locker and towards the principal's office, picking the lock and getting inside. I only had until 7:30 and then the faculty would begin to arrive. I grabbed my supplies from my leather bag slung over my shoulder, spray painting and stringing the whole office with toilet paper. After breaking the computer monitor and shattering the vases, I took my flask out of my bag and chugged it back, tasting the warm, disgusting beer go down my throat. Better than sobriety. After making sure I left no marks behind, I rewired the security cameras and got back outside the hall, carefully shutting the door closed. 

                       I know what you're thinking. Why trash the office just for fuck's sake? Well, no, I had a reason. After all, the principal was a total snob and pervert wrapped all in one. A 40-year old married man checking out female students in the halls? Yeah, let's just say that trashing the office was an act of kindness, alright? If I didn't do the dirty work, who would? Moral compass, Lucas Friar? Or how about nerdy ol' Farkle Minkus? Nope, didn't think so.

                       7: 29 A.M. The school clock read. As the bell rang and the lights lit up brighter in the halls, I made my way to the parking lot and out to my black Honda and put away my supplies. The 12 oz bottle of Jack Daniels was lying in the corner of the trunk, and, seeing I was already half drunk and working off a hangover, I reluctantly closed the trunk lid and made my way back inside, this time with a bag filled with books and not spray paint cans. The parking lot quickly started to fill in with early bird students such as Isadora Smackle and...yep, her. 

                      I hurried inside, running and although I wasn't really guilty of anything-well, that wasn't entirely true-I was scared. Yes, Maya Hart who just tore apart a principal's office was scared. I was genuinely afraid that Riley Matthews would choose to ignore me on her birthday. The girl was turning 17 and it was without me on this day. I didn't need to feel worse, I really didn't. 

                   The sunlight hit her brown locks in the perfect light, but it wasn't her looks I fell in love with. Standing from the school window, I watched her as she laughed and flirted playfully with none other than Lucas Friar. The way she would laugh at everyone's jokes no matter how ridiculous they were, or how she would genuinely listen to a story you would tell her. These things, they stayed. Her personality, while I changed from preteen-sad-excuse-for-a-rebel Maya Hart in middle school to what I am now, her humor and beauty had stayed. 

                   As she came inside and towards the main hall and walked to her locker, I watched from a distance. Creepy? Maybe, but we were in love, remember? Besides, it's not like she would ever notice sad little alcoholic Maya Hart anyway. She screamed with delight at the sight of the decorations on her locker, pulling in Smackle, Zay, Lucas, and Farkle in for a big group hug. I sighed and went in the opposite direction, wanting to avoid any teary-eyed moments in front of my former friends. Just as I was about to turn left into the History classroom, I heard an urgent, familiar voice.

                    "Maya, wait!" Riley ran up to me and I turned around to face her tall frame, trying to be polite. I smiled what I thought was an apologetic smile, as if to say, "It's nice to see you but this is awkward." After all, that's what we both felt, for sure. We stood there for a good 10 seconds before we struggled to speak. Riley went first, shooting headfirst into rapid, delightful dialogue.

                   "So, I know we haven't talked in a while, but it would be great if we could meet up, and-" Riley's happy and innocent tone was interrupted by a much meaner one. The principal's, to be exact. Principal Rogers was infuriated, staring me down as he approached from his office door across the hall. 

                    "MAYA HART! What have you done to my office? Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?!" Rogers was obviously angry, no argument. I was surprised. How'd they even know it was me? I rolled my eyes and followed as Rogers signaled for me to do so back to his office. And it was in that instant, that little fragment of time that gave Riley a chance to do something shocking, although it seemed little at the time.

                      "It was me. I trashed your office." Riley stated, not yelling, but loudly enough for the whole hall to hear. 

                     Principal Rogers slowly turned around and his eyes bulged out with shock. He stammered and struggled to form words, so sure it was me that he couldn't possible believe it was anyone else.

                    "Y-you did what?" 

thanks for reading ! please vote and/or comment for this chapter !!! 

- sierra

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