f i v e

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realized i didn't leave an author's note at the end of the last chapter :/ . hoping i can finish this before school starts because god knows i won't have time to write lmao. enjoy this update ! 

    RILEY'S POV - past tense

                           It had been about two days since my attempt at conversation with the blonde beauty in the hallway. Since then, we chatted here and there but it was mostly about school. That, and I apologized for the whole family  comment. There was light affection, such as a hand hold, until the moment passed. The grief over Shawn's death had made her more reserved than usual, so the whole relationship thing wasn't going as fast as I thought. But then again, it was going to be a while until we could gain each other's trust.

                          Breaking up with Lucas was a decision I had made for myself, and don't get me wrong, the boy was cute. It's just, when I looked at him, it wasn't the same feeling, you know? I was getting good at faking blushes and flirting but in the end it was getting less and less real. I couldn't hang on to him, because of my feelings for Maya. They were too strong to be ignored. Especially now, sitting in Spanish class, feeling her eyes behind me, so aware of her presence. Seating chart be damned, I wish I could stare at her gorgeous blonde locks. God, the way I would touch her, and take care of her...

                           The bell rang, shaking me out of my dirty thoughts. I needed way more self control if I wanted Maya to see me as a friend and slowly becoming a romantic interest. The last thing I would wanna do is fall headfirst into a relationship, that would be more reckless than good. My black wedges clicked on the hallway tiles as I speed walked, books in hand, to catch up with Maya. Wow, that girl walked fast. Her head whipped around as I yelled her name from across the hall, only to see that she was talking with Farkle. Didn't know that friendship came rolling back around. She was full of surprises.

                           "Hey, Riles. We were just thinking of meeting up at my place tonight. Do you wanna come?" Maya chirped, a sly grin on her face. What was this girl up to? I nodded, not caring that I seemed so desperate to have some time with her.

                              "Of course. Um, Lucas isn't coming, is he?" I asked cautiously, as the grin slowly dropped from Maya's face, as well as Farkle's. Great job there, Riley, I thought. Way to ruin the moment. Maya shook her head. 

                              "Don't worry, it's just you and me." She smiled and I smiled back, getting lost in the sea blue eyes, an out-of-this-world experience where it really was just me and her. I believed it, and I believed her, and god, I only wanted her...

                             "Ahem. Also, me. Don't forget me, you know." Farkle piped up, and Maya turned around to face him and the ocean blue eyes, well they were no longer looking into my soul. And the bell rang, and it would be until that night that I saw Maya again. 


                             Maya's room was still the red painted walls, the twin bed laid against the wall and the unforgettable window at the side of the room, where Maya and I would look out of for hours at a time back in middle school. Besides the bay window in my room, this was one of our spots. And it was indeed, hard to forget. I snapped back to reality, to Maya, sitting beside me and drawing in her sketchbook. Farkle continued to do whatever he did on his computer, which he of course brought with him. I just wish the boy would take a hint, and leave us alone for once. He was my best friend but I needed to just kiss Maya, to touch her, to be her safe place. If I couldn't have that, I don't know what I would do. 

                               I reached for my phone from the pocket of my ripped jeans to text Farkle:

                            Me: Please, please just make an excuse that you have to go see Smackle so I can have time alone with Maya? I need tonight, for me and her. Please.

                         I shot a look at Farkle as he looked at his phone, sighed and then looked at me. He texted back, "You owe me" and it took everything I had not to squeal with delight. He made an excuse, which I saw that Maya couldn't care less about, since she was so focused on that masterpiece in the making of hers. Something about the way she was so concentrated turned me on. It took all of my self control not to kiss her right there. So, I built up to it, in the classic way I always had. 

                         I inched closer, putting a hand on her thigh and softly tracing little imaginary shapes, then slowly going in for a kiss on her jawline, then one more square on the cheek. Maya stopped sketching, froze in place and softly whispered, "W-what are you doing, Riles?" I shrugged playfully and smiled innocently. 

                        "What I've..." slowly kissing her neck, leaving hickeys in all the right spots, "always..." Maya knocking the sketchbook to the floor, as I left kisses on every inch of her throat and jawline, finally landing on her lips, "wanted to do." Maya kissed back, a confirmation that she was ready for this. Finally. I cupped her face in my hands as she climbed on top of me, not wanting to waste any time. My tongue playing with hers, she tugged at my top, asking for permission. I broke the kiss temporarily, quickly removing both of our clothes until we were both stark naked. She was on me once again, us kissing passionately. Suddenly, I felt fingers in my center, giving me satisfaction and pleasure. I moaned her name softly, in quiet whispers as she went down and licked my center. I stifled my screaming as she came face to face with me, saying the words I'd been dreaming of her saying all along. 

                        "I love you, Riley. Please, be mine." And her words took me into the night with her, cuddling up and never forgetting the sweet feel of her head on my chest, the blonde waves a perfect memory in my mind. A storm of love I never could've imagined. 

this was half fluff and half smut and i'm not even sorry about it. don't forget to vote and comment and thanks for reading! -sierra

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