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here's an update / love you all - sierra

                            The door of Topanga's cafe jingled and the all-too-familiar smell of baked goods filled my nostrils. It only took mere seconds for my face to meet Riley's teary one. My legs almost gave out from under me, not caring that Lucas and the others were  in the room as well. My reputation hadn't mattered as much as the brunette that sat before me. She was hurt, and it had something to do with me, that I could tell. She sat helplessly, curled up on the orange seat, hugging her knees to her chest. I immediately sit down next to her, reaching for her hand and grabbing it. There was so much I wanted to say right then, to ask if she was okay, to tell her the words, I love you. But, Lucas. Riley's face turned to meet mine, a hopeful look in her eyes.

                            "Maya, seeing you all fired up and rebellious reminded me of the times we had in middle school. It's been tearing me down, the way you've been closed up and now, Shawn's-" I was going to interrupt her, to ask if that was the reason she was so upset, but she wasn't finished yet. "But I thought it was your right to know, since you two were so close." The look on Riley's face had me worried. 

                            "Riles?" I looked around at the solemn looks of sadness on Lucas, Smackle, Farkle and Zay's faces. My breath caught in my throat, making my voice quiver with a nervousness I didn't know before. "What is it, what happened to Shawn?" Riley looked at me and said the gut wrenching words I wasn't prepare to hear. 

                           "Maya...Shawn's dead." 

                            I could've stated the obvious, that the words had cut like a knife, my heart had broke into a million pieces upon hearing the news that my father figure had passed. 

                   I had so many questions. It had been months since I had seen him and he was in perfect health. But asking those questions wouldn't bring him back. They would only come to haunt me. So what did I do? I pulled the brunette in for an embrace, the tears refusing to come, only blurring my vision as I shut my eyes, seeing only a dark space of "what now?". 


                   I entered Riley's apartment, my black wedges taking careful steps onto the dark wood surface and the place looked just like I had left it back in 9th grade. But this day wasn't about me or my complicated past with Riley. At least, it shouldn't be. The door shut behind me as Riley walked me up to her room and we sat in the bay window, just thinking. No words were spoken for a whole 15 minutes until...

              "Look, Maya. Shawn was important for both of us, and we have to admit that in order to get through this, we stay together. Because that's what family does..." Riley stopped, realizing what she just said. I agreed with what she said, about staying together in hard times, but the family part had me wondering. It was really over between us, wasn't it? I laughed bitterly, looking down at the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with Riley.

             "You know, I actually thought that maybe you were falling for me again?" I scoffed, and the shocked yet guilty look on Riley's face said it all. "But boy, was I wrong. Because you just think of me as family, don't you? I know, Riley, this is a day for Shawn but the truth is, I don't think he would want us fighting. So I'll just...leave." The empty void Riley left in my heart had only grown bigger in those 24 hours it took for me to trash the office to the news of Shawn's death, which only had to fall on Riley's birthday, of course. I climbed out through the window and across the fire escape, landing on the sidewalk. On my walk home, my thoughts contained a multitude of questions, still wondering, had these years really changed Riley that much? Or was I simply out of my mind to think she would drop everything and come to me, after everything I did?

             I took a detour, taking two lefts down 47th street and coming to the hospital. All my answers lay here, with Cory and Topanga. 

oh my god this is such a short chapter i'm sorry!! normally i'd call this one a filler but so much has happened ! keep reading if you enjoy! don't forget to vote and comment. 

ily all


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