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didn't update yesterday which means most likely a double update (two chapters in a day) soon. ily all and happy reading! - sierra

MAYA'S POV - past tense

Those four words I spoke Saturday night were burned into my memory for God knows how long. I couldn't erase the broken look on Riley's face, or the way my heart had just fell. It didn't break, because Riley had already done that to me. Broke my heart, and now she played with the pieces, toying with how vulnerable I was. It was all true, my alcoholic problem at the age of 14 was pathetic in of itself but it also destroyed my previous relationship with Riley. It was the reason I recklessly dated Lucas as a twisted version of a rebound, not exactly realizing the fact that I was very gay. But, that was all years past. Now, the fact that Riley Matthews had done it, something I thought would never happen, I was devastated.

Back in freshman year, I had done drugs, and when Riley threatened to tell while we were dating, I got so angry one night while I was drunk that I would've killed myself with an overdose of pills, if Riley hadn't came in and saved me. After that night, I felt humiliated. Lucas heard about it and practically told everyone, so I broke up with Riley to save myself the drama. Except, it had felt like she had broke my heart, but I didn't tell anyone that. She lost faith in me. Even if it was for a split second, she had thought I drank to get the memory of Shawn away.

Was Riley not there when I publicly got the school's principal fired? That was a way to show my bravery, my strength, my resilience. Despite all that, she still saw me as this, this thing that would pick up a bottle of beer when my father figure died. Didn't she know it was art over alcohol, for me, always? My addiction didn't beat my passion, and that was one thing that was never going to change. I loved Riley, with all that I had left in me after Shawn died, and to have her...break me down, well, let's just say it wasn't what I expected.

My thoughts muddled up in my brain, I reluctantly got out of bed as it was the following Monday morning. I changed into a denim lace-up dress and dark red combat boots as I still wanted to look presentable even after a night of crying. My hair was flowing in waves down my back as I decided not to brush it. The habit to reach for my phone and text Riley had got me just then, eventually grabbing my phone and shoving it in my bag instead. Nobody was home, so I locked the door as I left, to go face Riley Matthews and the rest of our friends.

Once reaching school, I caught sight of Riley next to her locker talking to Alison Waters, of all people. I rolled my eyes. Obviously Riley couldn't didn't care about disappointing me and breaking my heart long so she lusted after another girl. Typical Riles. All I could say was, glad it wasn't Lucas. The closer I got, the more I could hear their conversation...so, I eavesdropped on them.

"I just can't believe she would do that to you, it's so terrible." Alison put on a sympathetic look, putting a hand on Riley's shoulder. The flirtatious move would have made me enraged, except I had no reason to be. It was clear I wasn't with Riley anymore, but it made me more sad than angry. Was it honestly this easy to move on from me? First, my father leaving and now Riley leaving me. It sounded like I was exaggerating, but really I was looking at the big picture of pain. It was a pattern. I didn't know when it would end, why it kept continuing. Riley smiled and kissed Alison on the cheek, pulling her in for a hug just before the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the school day. Leaning against a pillar in the hallway, I heard a familiar voice behind me as Riley walked to class with Alison and I watched them.

"Maya, what are you doing?" Farkle spoke as he put a hand on my arm, and I flinched. He backed up, a confused look in his eyes. Minkus was a good friend, why did I let him go? He didn't deserve to be left. Maybe it was his connection to Riley and Lucas that made him distant from me. I exhaled, actually speaking with Farkle a real conversation since Shawn's death.

"I was gonna try to act all innocent, and pretend that I wasn't spying on Riley and Alison, but...well, you know me too well, don't you?" I laughed bitterly, hoping that he understood how hurt I was in that moment, that the wounds were fresh, and the slightest thing could set me off. He nodded, looking at me closely.

"No matter what you think, Maya, you're not as broken as you think." This got to me, as I struggled to choke back tears and landed in his arms with a warm embrace I hadn't felt from him in years. The friend that I needed, he was here all along. He whispered into my hair that he understood, and eventually I pulled away, muttering that I needed to get to class, until he grabbed my arm again and I turned around. "You should know what people have been saying. Riley's been telling everyone that you tried to convince her to drink, and so..." At that point, I was furious. I reluctantly went to first period History and sat in my assigned seat next to Riley, just as the late bell rang. I looked over, and Riley looked ever so smug.

Two could play at this game.

this is a really short chapter and just a filler really so i hope i update ch 9 later tonight but i also need sleep ya know what im sayin??? anyway ily for reading this shit chapter anyway and don't forget to comment and vote!!! -sierra

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