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MAYA'S POV - past tense

First period History class had slowly blurred into the rest of the school day and it was eventually lunch time. I was just about to put my revenge plan into action when Lucas caught my arm and turned me around in the middle of the hallway. His eyes didn't leave mine, a warning of some sort. I scoffed and almost began to walk away before his words stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Whatever you're about to do to Riley isn't worth it, you know." He said as I slowly turned around and sighed. I stepped closer to him, trying to intimidate this boy that was a good 5 inches taller than me at minimum.

"Well, it's a good thing I don't care what you think, Huckleberry."

"You should because I don't want to see Riley get hurt, and I know what you might do to her considering the rumor she's been spreading. Listen, just talk to her before you do something you regret, Hart." And with that, the infamous cowboy walked away, leaving me with a thought I knew I had to come to terms with. He was right. I walked into the cafeteria, with no plan whatsoever and that's when I decided to talk to the brunette herself. Her tall frame in a striped crop top and denim overalls and red converse was unmistakable. I came up behind her and hesitantly tapped her on the shoulder while she spoke to Alison, of course. She turned around, acknowledging me thankfully but not in the best mood considering it was me.

"Can we talk? In the hallway?" Seeing the look on her face made me add, "It won't be long, I promise." Riley nodded, following me out of the cafeteria into the now-empty hallway. She crossed her arms and looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to speak. "I know about the rumor you started. About me convincing you to drink. And honestly, Riley, I'm sick of this game. Do you want to be with me?" Riley looked down and stuttered for a moment, not sure what to say obviously.

"I-I do, Maya. I want to be with you." I laughed bitterly as a reaction.

"Well, you have a funny way of showing it, don't you?" I asked rhetorically. The tears were welling up in Riley's eyes, looking like she was just about to lose it. Normally, I couldn't bear to watch her break, but I was supposed to be angry at her. So, I didn't immediately hold her hand, although a small part of me wanted to. The tears rolled down her cheeks as she wiped them away, stepping close to me. Okay, maybe a little more than a small part. But I still resisted the urge.

"I spread that rumor because...I can't live with the fact that I..." Her voice broke on the words and she finished saying her words in a soft, sad voice that was torn apart from her emotions. Riley Matthews was a sunshine in my life, all my life. To see her so broken down was life changing, soul changing even. Still, I didn't do anything except watch her cry until she said the words. "That I broke you. Every piece of you, Maya. I wanted to make up this rumor so I could convince not only everyone else, but myself, too that you were the enemy." She shook her head and looked at the ground. "But it was me. I'm the enemy here." And that was it. In that moment all I could do was hold her, in my arms as she softly cried.

"It's gonna be alright, Riley, I promise. Sweetie, it's gonna get better." I whispered into her hair. I was sill disappointed in her, but I couldn't afford to lose her. Not now, not ever. I pulled away from the embrace to look at her and my eyes landed on her lips. The tears had vanished from her face and in an instant, her lips met mine in a fierce, passionate kiss in the middle of the hallway. My eyes fluttered open for a second, and I saw Alison standing there, angry to say the least.

I pulled away and Riley looked confused and then turned around to face Alison.

"Ali, she was just comforting me, that's all!" Riley struggled to defend herself to Alison and that stung. I kept it to myself, knowing she really didn't feel that way. Alison scoffed and walked away, and I half expected Riley to go chasing after her, but she reached for my hand instead.

"Let's go home."

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