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i listened to "the ocean" by mike perry & shy martin while writing this chapter. it's such a good beat, so i recommend you check it out. happy reading! tysm & ily. -sierra

                             Lying in the purple sheets of my bed staring at the ceiling on a Saturday morning, and you guessed it, Maya was on my mind. Friday night was unforgettable, our little 'sleepover' something of another world. Then again, every experience with her was like that. The soft yet assuring feel of her skin against mine, the comfort of knowing she knew just what to do, and how to do it. Sex with her wasn't a rebellious teenage act, it was an expression of love that no one else could reciprocate for me. Feelings I hadn't felt for any other girl, or boy for that matter. 

                                 Suddenly, a knock sounded at my bedroom door as my mother called for me. I yelled "In a minute!" and reluctantly got up and dressed. Coming back home at 5am had left me hungry for sleep since I hadn't done much sleeping at Maya's obviously. I had to keep pinching myself, this-this thing with Maya was feeling too good to be true. It had definitely been a while since I had this much happiness and satisfaction from a relationship. My thoughts were interrupted by pounding at my bedroom door. Finally dressed in a sky blue romper and white lace cardigan with my hair in a ponytail, I opened my door to face my mother. She looked upset, in a disappointed way. Huh...Saturdays were her time off to enjoy time with my father, what could have her so upset? I sighed, asking her just that.

                                   "Well, why don't you come downstairs? Your father and I would like to talk to you about Maya." My mother said, with a light touch of my elbow. She went downstairs and I followed her soon after. Sitting at the kitchen table was my father still in his work suit, his head in his hands, looking up when my mother and I walked in. His eyes were full of disappointment but a struggle to understand something as well. I sat down across from him, ready to face whatever it was about Maya we needed to talk about, urgently apparently. 

                                "Riley, we realize how much closer you and Maya are getting, and it's great, but..." My father took one glance at my mother and she continued what seemed reluctantly. 

                                 "Katy called, and this...friendship isn't exactly just being friends, is it? She knows that you and Maya had sex last night. We believe it's best you don't do this while she's in a vulnerable state, with Shawn's death. You can't, hey listen-Riley!" Before I could let my mother say any more, or my father, I had grabbed my bag and I was out the door and in the elevator. The words had stung. First, the whole humiliation at the lack of privacy me and Maya had. Now, my parents didn't wanna believe this was a real relationship but a way for us to grieve?! I mean, come on. This was separate from Shawn's death, and I knew it.

                               I had texted Maya to meet me at the subway station, embracing the short blonde once I saw her there. Maya pulled away from the hug, searching my eyes, seeing the tears threatening to spill, but most of all, my anger. We sat down on the bench, as I told her what my parents said.

                             "And what's worse is that I don't even think they're telling the truth here." I muttered between sobs, trying to calm down. "They're just covering up the fact that they don't want me to date a girl!" I exclaimed, calling way too much attention in the station, but I didn't care. Maya's blue eyes looked deeply into mine, her pale hands grabbing mine as she stuttered over her words. "What is it?" I breathed, finally the tears had stopped running down my cheeks. She avoided eye contact suddenly. 

                            "Riley, I don't think it's because I'm a girl. It's, because...well, your parents don't exactly want you dating me, Maya Hart specifically." She said, me barely making out the words as she stared at the ground, barely blinking. I was so confused. This didn't make any sense. Was she hiding something from me? 

                             "What are you talking about? Maya, my parents love you. They-they raised you like one of their own for most of freshman year and not to mention you were my best friend. You're family to them. How could they not-" My words were cut off by Maya's sudden confession.

                             "I'm drinking again. And your mom knows it, because she's a lawyer." My hands became untangled from Maya's as I slowly backed away. The last time Maya drank around me, it got ugly, really quickly. Things were said and people were hurt. I was hurt. I got up off the bench as Maya got closer to me, words coming out of her mouth that weren't making its way to my ears. I bumped into strangers, as I panicked and ran, ran until my legs felt they would fall off. Out of the subway station, away from Maya, and up into the heart of New York. 

                             I found myself on the steps of Abigail Adams High, on a weekend of all days of the week. My heart had been torn in two but it didn't feel like Maya had done it. It was like some sort of person inside of Maya was making her do it. She needed help, but I was too hurt to even consider the condition of her mental health at that time. Suddenly, a girl of about my height with an afro and pretty brown eyes was standing in front me on the steps. She smiled and cocked her head, lightly chuckling at some joke of hers I didn't get.

                         "Mind if I join you?" 

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