If You Randomly Kiss Them

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Ayato: He'll seem slightly surprised and blush lightly, but after a few seconds he'll smirk and kiss you back, while saying you belong to only yours truly.

Kanato: He'll give you an emotionless reaction , but he'll plea for you to beg for more, and he'll kiss back

Reiji: He'll blush like a strawberry and be very surprised however this effect on him will only last for a few seconds before he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you harder.

Shuu: Knowing Shuu he's off somewhere sleeping, so when you kiss him, you'll receive no reaction and he'll pretend to still be asleep, however just as you start to pull away, he'll wrap his arms around your waist and pull you back down, he'll kiss you harder than you did or even french kiss you.

Subaru: He'll blush like a tomato and be very surprised, he'll also stutter while trying to talk to you, but then will kiss you back.

Laito: He'll be a bit shocked but he will automatically kiss back hard, he'll also flirt and offer to do more than just kiss.


Ayato: You were strolling down the hall, when all the sudden you saw Ayato, you thought of an evil plan and approach him. "Hello Pancake, yours truly was---" You cut him off by kissing him. He was surprised and blushed slightly, but kissed back. "You're yours truly and yours truly only."

Kanato: It was late in the day when Y/N couldn't seem to sleep. Y/N walked to Kanatos room, knowing he'd be awake at this hour. Kanato was currently in his room, talking to teddy. You approached and opened his door, without knocking. He turned to see who it was. "Y/N?" He questioned. "Why have you come to see me?" You told him that you couldn't sleep and that you wanted some"entertainment". Kanato was surprised and confused, but before he could say anything, you kissed him. He remained emotionless and kissed back.

Reiji: Everyone in the mansion was either out or not in the mood to hang out. You had already gone to all the brothers except the one brother you didn't try and you were standing right in front of his door. After you knocked, he answered the door out of confusion at who would disturb him. "What is it?" You silently smiled before putting your plan to action. He was very surprised and you swear he could be mistaken for a strawberry. He soon got over his surprise and wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing you harder than you were kissing him.

Shuu: You walked into the living room and found Shuu who was currently on the couch sleeping; as always. Out of curiosity you leaned over him and kissed him. The kiss lasted for a few seconds, before you slowly started pulling away. You suddenly felt arms around your waist that pulled you back down, and made you re-lock lips with Shuu, he smirked as he kissed you back.

Subaru: You and Subaru were both currently outside in the garden. Of course you two hadn't met up. Destiny made you two run into each other. You and Subaru were at the moment picking white roses for the mansions dinning room. In the middle of picking a rose, you smirked before walking over to Subaru, he heard you nearing him and turned around to see what you wanted. You kissed him. He was surprised but kissed back. Once the kiss was over, you saw him turn into a tomato, which you found adorable.

Laito: You were sitting in your room thinking about everyone. You suddenly had a strange urge to see Laito. So you did just that. Knocking on his door, it seemed time froze as you realized why you wanted to see him. He opened the door. "Well, well, if it isn't little bitch-chan. What are you---" You interrupted him with a kiss. He was shocked but still kissed back to make it seem like he knew it was coming. He kissed you harder than you kissed him. "Wanna do something more than kissing?" You glared at the perv.

Quote: Sabaru - "*tisk* Pervert."

Created & Published: 9/5/16
Words: 696 + A/N = 715

Edited: 6/20/17


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