Chapter 6 Part 2

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We are so sorry for it taking so long!!!!


It was rather dark but overhead the moon was bright and almost full. Garrett's strong hand pulled me along a narrow woodland trail that seemed to never end. We eventually reached a fallen tree that stubbornly crossed the path. Garrett climbed atop first reaching out with his hand to help me up and over.

Ahead I could see clearer through the thinning trees. We had arrived at the end of the forest. Still, Garrett led me onward toward the edge of the forest. When we had reached it I peered cautiously out of the trees, and what I saw amazed me.

It was a wide open meadow. A light frosty covering of snow lay over dead grass and what looked like flowers that were out of bloom. However, the meadow wasn't completely dead. Fresh stems of grass had begun to poke through the icy tufts of snowfall along with tiny new flower buds that were barely visible.

I imagined what this place might be like in late spring. Lush wavy green grass topped with beautiful wildflowers. Deer and rabbits might hide among the safety of the long grass, and occasionally bound over the earthy hilltops.

This meadow reflected my life in the present. I had been tortured till I was almost dead and lost forever, but I was able to find the care and support that would allow me to grow and develop into a beautiful new life. However, I would have to fight for every step of the way.

"Is this the place?" I softly whisper to Garrett as the beauty of the meadow takes my breath away just for a moment.

"It is," he says taking me by the hand to find an adequate spot for the night.

Garrett had brought a small one person tent with him when he and Aaron had originally went camping, so when he decided to take me on a brief holiday this was the perfect item to carry with us. He had packed other things as well, like food and water. Only enough for two days because the main group was still low on food and supplies even though almost everybody had recovered from the sickness and fever.

Garrett set up the tent as well as a small blanket for watching the stars. He plopped down and patted next to him, signaling for me to sit down. The sky became black, making the stars appear brightly and the temperature drop. I pulled the sleeves of my tattered blue sweater down over my hands, making as much heat as possible.

"You cold?" Garrett asked thoughtfully. I nodded. "Let's go into the tent."

We picked up the blanket and crawled into the tent. We laid down and put the blanket over us. I cuddled up to his chest, feeling his warm breath on my head. It was a comforting feeling, knowing that he had been here for me this whole time.

I shifted my head and looked into his bright green eyes.

"Garrett?" My voice was quiet.

"Yeah?" He half-smiled.

"I love you," I said with a smile.

He gently kissed me.

"I love you too." He kissed me more forcefully this time.

I smiled into the kiss and ran my fingers through his soft hair. That's where it all began.

"I love you, Claire," he mumbled a while later. My eyelids closed and I fell asleep before I could say anything.

When I woke up, Garrett was still sleeping. I slowly and carefully got up, putting my clothes back on. I unzipped the tent and tip toed out. A pain ran through my arm.

The arm that I had gotten cut on was bleeding lightly. Dry blood encircled the wound. I guess it got reopened last night. The thought of last night made me genuinely smile. I walked over to a stray branch and sat on it, watching the sun rise slowly.

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