Chapter 10

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Chapter 10- Growing Up

Some people look at life as something you just have to get through, and others think their life is the worst they could ever have, and never look at the bright side, but I am not like them, I am happy. It didn't just come like this, I didn't just wake up one morning and everything was perfect like in a princess story. No, I had to earn it; I had to fight every step o the way. I know if I didn't have people around me cheering me on, I would not have made it to this point.

My life isn't perfect, it isn't even close, but I take on everyday with a smile and a bright idea. People may treat me differently, they may think I'm different, but it doesn't bother me because I have my family and friends by my side, even if there are storm clouds on the horizon. Even if there are knives slicing through me, and even if I'm in complete blackness, I know that a lightning bolt will light the sky and help me find my way.

I wiped my brow and set the broom in the corner of our newly built little cabin. It was still morning, so it wouldn't get too hot when I opened the thin door to let a light breeze in.

I turned around and carefully lifted up Savannah from her small polished crib that lay beside the bed Garrett and I slept on. I cabin was so small, that if somebody over six feet tall wanted to come inside, they would have to duck before entering.

It had been over a month since the battle, and Garrett, Brianna, and Aaron had all helped move our campsite further into the woods, but still along the stream for clean drinking water. Garrett had been going into town once a week to earn money and work some small jobs like repairing roofs and mowing yards.

Sometimes he would stay the entire week, just to fit in some time to buy supplies for us. Other times he came home with books and papers from our old school, so we could both earn our diploma. I liked our new life. It was in seclusion yes, but it was also peaceful and allowed Garrett and I to raise Savannah in a free happy environment. One that didn't involve having to know about the battle or what happened before hand.

I carried Savannah to our little kitchen and made a bottle to feed her. We sat on the couch in silence except for the quiet cooing sounds coming from Savannah as she ate. Garrett walked through the door and stomped off his worn out boots.

"How did it go?" I asked while getting up.

Garrett walked over and kissed my forehead before hesitating to answer. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill. "That's all," I observed with a sigh.

We both sighed and Garrett walked over and picked up our daughter planting kisses all around her face making her giggle uncontrollably. He's such a good father. Never in a million years had I thought this would be how we would end up. The cruel way my father and mother treated me made me think and hope I would just die there, in my bedroom, listening to my father smash half empty beer bottles against the wall. Little did I know that I would spend my life in a secluded little cabin in the woods with a daughter and boyfriend, I'm happy with the way my life is turning.

"Claire?" Garrett tore me from my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I questioned turning my head his direction. "Are you okay? Something's bothering you." He carried savannah over to the table I had sat down at and sat down across from me.

"I'm fine. I was just thinking about how nice my life has been turning out. I never thought it would be this way," I gave him a small smile, and he returned it.

"Lightning, uhm... let's... go on a walk," he suggested linking our arms together.

"Okay," I agreed. Something in my stomach twisted. I got nervous but a swift wave of relief came when Garrett planted a few more kisses on Savannah's face. He walked over and grabbed my hand and we walked out.

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