Chapter 8 Part 1

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Chapter 8- My Revenge

I had to agree with Brianna. Even if I didn't like the idea of spilling blood in one of the only places I have ever found beauty in. I still had to agree with my friend, besides our army was use to fighting on flat open ground, and not the thick trees and knotted undergrowth of the woods.

I headed back to my shelter where Sarah was waiting with a fussy and annoyed Savannah in her arms. I immediately took Savannah from her and luckily she stopped screaming at the top of her lungs. It was hard caring for a baby and an army at the same time, but I still made do.

Sarah breathed a little sigh of relief as Savannah stopped fussing altogether and instead turned her head toward my chest looking for my food supply that was becoming too little for my growing child.

After I fed Savannah I laid her down in her crib and tucked the blankets up protectively around her. I stayed in my shelter until she was sound asleep, and then I softly crawled outside to the dim evening firelight.

Again my father's words echo in my exhausted mind, one week, which meant they'll be here tomorrow. I glance up at the crystal clear sky and the warm glowing stars. It had been a warmer day earlier, and now spring was almost in full swing. Except for the frosty patches of grass in the early mornings and late nights the whether looked as if it would behave for the battle.

Sarah crouches down next to me near the fire. Only a few people from our army were still awake enjoying the lovely evening air. I had sent groups B and C to bed early so as to ensure there abilities tomorrow. Now only about ten recruits were scattered about the campsite. Some of them were preparing or sharpening their weapons, and others were attempting to hand sew there clothing. I had issued the idea because if you didn't have any exposed skin it would decrease the chances of an injury.

I turned my head to look at Sarah. Her palms were spread out on the soft damp grass and her feet were close to the fire. Since training had begun I spent very little time with my best friend, and now it felt awkward not knowing what to talk about with the person you thought you knew most about.

"Sarah, can I ask you a question?" I asked calmly but seriously.

"Anything, What's on your mind Lightning?" she answered stretching out her muscles that were most likely aching from the past week's intense training.

"I've been planning the battle for ages, but now it seems so close, so abrupt that I almost don't know how to handle it all," I begin folding my hands in my lap.

"Now that I have Savannah I really can't afford for anything to happen to Garrett or I," I explained eyeing my shelter where my tiny daughter slept soundly.

If something does happen however, I need someone to promise that they'll keep Savannah safe no matter what," I continue putting my hand gently on Sarah's knee.

Her eyes light up with joy. "Of course, but Lightning, you know I've always been here for you," Sarah murmurs as she takes my hand in both of hers.

"I know, I always have," I choke out as I hug my friend gratefully. I realized the chances of someone getting injured or even killed loomed in front of me like a dark ominous cloud. I couldn't let it happen, not to any of us I think my eyes sweeping over our campsite that seemed almost eerie this time of night.

We sat in silence for a while not knowing what to say to one another. Tomorrow, I thought, tomorrow would be the battle. It seemed so close, and yet so far, and now I couldn't help but feel unprepared.

Later I ducked into my shelter. Sarah was still awake, but fitting in some last bits of training with group A. Brianna was dead asleep, her spear tucked under her pillow like an emergency flashlight.

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