Chapter 7

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Chapter 7- The War Begins

I wanted to scream out that it wasn't true. I wanted to run away into the woods and start balling. But I knew if I did abandon my tiny little army that I have worked so hard to build up, everyone would just give up and loose hope.

Instead all I did was shove the test into Emily's hands and I stomped away almost in tears. I headed for my shelter then quickly ducked inside. Both Sarah and Brianna weren't there. They were both out training. That's where I should be, I thought drawing my knees up to my chest as I sat down on my straw sleeping mat.

I surveyed my little shelter and belongings. I shared the shelter with just Brianna and Sarah now. Courtney had recovered from the fever, but now she was a lot weaker and she couldn't keep up with the intense training and combat of group A. She had even moved entirely to Emily's tent so she could constantly monitor her health. I had moved her down to group B instead. She showed so much promise in group B that I made her in charge of Group B. I was in charge of group A, and a young boy named Blake was in charge of group C.

I slept in the far corner of our shelter. I still had all the clothes I had brought with me, but I almost always wore almost all of them at once unless it was a particularly warm day. All the food I had brought had been evenly distributed to the entire army long ago. I slept on a straw sleeping mat that Sarah had hand woven for me. Believe me it was much better than sleeping on the hard ground.

In the back corner of my sleeping matt I hid the stuffed rabbit. I barely even looked at it anymore. It always just ended up reminding me of what I use to have. If only things could've stayed that way. My parents would love me and my older sister would give me advice as I grew older.

I wondered if I could walk to town and give my child up for adoption. The more I thought about it the more I hated the idea. Isn't that why everyone was even here? Just because my parents didn't care enough about me to take care of me.

NO, I'm not like them, and I would never be like them. I made a decision on the spot that once my child was born that the stuffed rabbit would automatic belong to him or her. I also decided to keep the child. It would be challenging I knew, but nothing would be able to tare us apart from now on. Maybe Garrett would help raise the child with me.

For the days and weeks that followed I hardly ever left my shelter. When I told Garrett about my pregnancy he was surprisingly very understanding. He would occasionally come by and check up on me, kissing my cheek or sometimes my stomach. Emily came to me once a week to check my health and to tell how far I was along. When I was about four months along Emily confirmed my thoughts.

"When the time comes I will be the one to help you deliver if you want," Emily offered with a slight smile. I nodded, I hardly knew anything about child birth, so I should take any help I could get.

Two more months had passed and it seemed I had almost lost my place as leader of my own army. I would endlessly wonder around our campsite watching the training and preparations. Some people who didn't know me to well would stop and give me awkward sideways glances.

When I told Sarah and Brianna abut my pregnancy neither of them were really surprised. Brianna just shook her head and promised everything would be alright. Sarah, as usual was more kind and understanding.

She gave me a hug and held my hand. She asked me if I was thinking of names. I said nothing, because I had no way of knowing the babies gender.

Others were kind to me as well. Some people would ask how far I was along. Courtney was very generous one day. She had approached me when I was out for a walk, or more like a waddle, when she had asked me if she could give me something for the baby.

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