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Jack and Remy were happy genuinely.

  No more Sammy to worry about, no more anything.

Just the two of them, finally together.

"After all these years, you decide to pick me" Remy said, smiling at Jack.

He smiled back, he felt as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders. He couldn't handle marriage, still so young, so foolishly young. But he insisted on him and Remy.

Jack pushed his lips against Remy's smiling halfway through.

"You were always my first choice,  I couldn't wait any longer. So when I saw you, looking more beautiful than I had ever saw you, I knew that was my chance" his arms wrapped around her waist as the stood in the dressing room at the alter.

"If you wanted to right now, we could go get married instead" Jack looked her in the eye, nothing but love behind his.

Remy was baffled, her mouth opened only to release small stutters, "I-I but- Jack-" his finger pressed against her lips softly, as he made a hushing sound.

"Its me and you now. I want you to take your time, we can always wait" he smiled reassuringly, pecking her lips.

"No" she interrupted, "Let's do it"

He smiled and walked out with her, the crowd staring.

Madison's family giving Remy awful looks, his sister basically shooting daggers at Remy's head.

Tears stained madison's face and Remy looked at her apologetically, never intending for all of this to happen but over joyed to be back with Jack.

"You can continue but change the brides name to Remy, please" Jack requested, the minister looked and nodded, uncomfortable with his position.

Everybody watched in awe and anger as the were lawfully wedded.

Remy was almost visibly nervous, fighting her subconscious.

And in a matter of minutes, Remy and Jack were tied by the simple utter of "I do"

"Jack, I support you one hundred percent but you have perfect timing don't you?" His mom smiled, she peered over at Remy, and engulfed her into a hug.

"I haven't seen him smile like this in a while"

Molly came over, still a smug look on her face.

Mockingly she said, "Congrats, you two look happy"


"No mom, can't you tell? They aren't gonna last, it's been six fucking years "

"I doubt they'll last the rest of the year" she chuckled and walked away.

"You'll have to forgive her, she's a little out of control right now" Jack's dad spoke.

"You are not going anywhere with her, Jack. You might as well give me back the honeymoon tickets because this isn't happening" Madison argued, lifting her dress above her ankles.

"Madison I spent all my own money on the honeymoon. You can have all the gifts, I have enough money to but twice as much. Now, if you'll excuse me me and Remy are gonna go postpone the flight and catch up" Jack led Remy away, she was still unsure so bewildered in all of what was happening.

They walked to the limo and changed directions.

"Remy, I know this is probably a lot. After six years and all but all I've ever wanted was you. All I ever thought of, all I ever seen when I saw madison. I have you now and I never wanna lose you" he brought his index finger under her chin and tilted it up, kissing her tenderly.

She kissed back, her hand reaching to grab the part of his neck where his hair ended.

"I'm sorry, Jack. It's my fault. I left, I ran from all my problems. And for six years I was away from you. Six lonely years" Remy apologized.

"Its okay, you're mine now. I love you"

"I love you too"



lol sorry for the wait but FUCKBOY IS UP AND GONNA STAY UP FOREVER

thanks for all the support loves


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