The Visit

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Travis's POV

I woke up to see that Zane wasn't in my arms. Looking around, I saw that the door was open. I got up out of bed, and walked out into the kitchen. I saw him, standing in front of the toaster, waiting for toast to pop up. He looked at me, and his mask moved, which I can only assume means that he smiled.

"Good morning, babe." I said to him.

"Morning." He said, seeming with me, but at the same time distant.

"Are you okay, Zane?" I asked him, concerned.

"Yeah, it's just, my mom is staying in town for a few days." He said, looking at me. The toast popped up as he looked at me.

"She's staying in town? What would she be doing back here?" I asked him, grabbing the toast and then the strawberry jelly.

"The only thing that makes sense; she misses her sons. Vylad has to work until late tonight, so she sees him tomorrow, and Garroth has been at Aaron's since I woke up. So, I get her today." He said, grabbing a knife out of the silverware drawer and handing it to me. I jellied the two pieces of toast and handed one piece to him.

"Well, it'll be nice to see Zianna again, even though I kind of destroyed part of a restaurant as a first impression..." I said, laughing nervously, remembering that Katemau is my OTP.

"Well, I just hope she forgives you for it. She was nice enough to pay for the damages." He said, taking a bite of his toast.

"Well, if my pure charm doesn't convince her, maybe she'll see how happy you are with me." I said, kissing him on the cheek. He blushed and took another bite of his toast. I started eating mine.

~Time Skip to when Zianna arrives.~


"GAH! Mom, you know I don't like hugs!" Zane said, trying to push Zianna off of him.

"That's a lie, he likes hugs." I whisper into her ear.

She looks at me and Zane a few times, and then she smiles brightly.

"OHHHHHHHH ZUZU, YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WERE DATING THIS HANDSOME MAN!" She yelled, hugging her son, again. This time, he didn't even try to push her off of him, as he knew his attempt would be futile.

"Yeah, we actually started dating a little bit after you left." I said to her.

"Well, this is splendid! Let's go out to dinner! Travis, you're buying! It's the least you could do since I payed for the damages to the last restaurant!" She said, dragging Me and Zane to her car.

"Isn't dating your son enough?" I say to her, trying to release myself from her grasp.

"NOPE! NOW LET'S GOOOOOOO!" She screamed, pushing us into the car.

~After Dinner~

"Oh, that was a LOVELY dinner! The food was so good! Zuzu, why didn't you and Travis get dessert or something?" She asked him.

"Yeah, Zuzu, why didn't you let me get us something?" I say, smirking. He punched me in the arm.

"Because, Travy, I was full." He said, mocking my tone of voice.

"Well boys, thank you for taking me out to dinner! Zane, can you be sure to tell Vylad and Garroth to make time for me for the next 2 days?" She asked him, grabbing his hand.

"Sure, mom." He said.

"GREAT! Now, I gotta go, I'm tired! Goodnight boys! Travis, take good care of my Zane! I love you, Zuzu!" She said, hugging her son.

"I love you too, Mom." He said back to her, hugging her.

After Zianna left, I took Zane by the hand and led him to the couch. We cuddled for the rest of the night.

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