Chocopie of Mine~<3

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"Cake!  I've been craving cake!!!" Lucy cheered happily as the waitress set the delicious delicacy on the table.

Sam glanced over at his friend with a laugh.  "That's why I asked you if you wanted to go with me this morning.  But all you did was just punch me when I woke you up...= 3 =" he pouted grumpily.

"Well, I'm sorry~  And I love you now because we have cake!!!" the girl cheered once more, cutting the cake.

"What shallow love," Sam sighed.  "You only say that whenever I buy you sweets, isn't it?" he grinned, resting his chin on his hand.

"Of course~  Well, I mean-" the girl stuttered, looking away.

"Mh, no worries.  Me, too.  After all, if you were a chocopie, I'd eat you all up~" the boy suddenly leaned dangerously close to the blushing girl's face.

"B-Baka!" Lucy shoved him back into his seat with a crimson face.  "Don't bring in your chocopie fantasies and obsessions!"  She handed him a slice of cake to quiet him.  "Aw man...I just remembered..."

"Hm?" Sam looked up, his mouth full of cake.

"I'm on a diet from sweets since I lost that bet with Chris..." Lucy sighed.

"Haha, really?  I thought you just were supposed to cut down on it..." Sam sweatdropped.

"Mh..." the girl sighed, poking her slice of cake.  "Is the frosting really sweet?"

Sam grinned a bit, leaning closer to her.  "Hn, well, it's not as sweet as you are~~~"


...WHY ARE YOU USING SO MANY CHEESY PICK-UP LINES?!" Lucy shoved him back once again.

Sam laughed.  "No, m'lady, you got it wrong.  They're sweet."


KEHEHE...WHAT AM I DOING?!  Nyoko_kue, variayixin_4867, this is what happens when we have cake on Sunday~<3

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