Sweet Kiss

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A/N:  'Kay, I couldn't really help it...I was eating a chocolate brownie the other day, and it made my oranges taste like chocolate afterwards, so I couldn't help myself!!!  /flails/


"Yum~" you hummed to yourself as you continued to indulge in the sweetness plopped into your mouth by your eager fingers.  "Yum~  Yummy Yum~" you grinned, licking your fingers since the chocolate had started to melt already.

You were sprawled on the couch with a bag of Kisses next to you, and there wasn't a care in the world at that point.  Everything was fine.  Who cares about calories and fat and sh-

"What are you doing in my house?" someone interrupted your delicious inner dialogue with a flick to the forehead.

"Itai!" you angrily look up, your (e/c) eyes flashing as they met softer, annoyed ones.  "Oh, it's youu~<3" you sat up with a sweet grin on your face.  "What's upp~?  I just came in to get a snack~"

The boy sighed, taking a seat beside you after he pushed your feet roughly off the sofa.  "Stop jumping over the fence into my backyard...sheesh, don't you have food at home?"  He glanced over at the bag of Hershey's in your hands and quickly stole it from you when you weren't looking and indulging in another sweet.

"Hey!" you had protested, immediately sitting upright with a pout.  "Give those back!" you argued, flailing as you tried to reach for your stolen sweets, but alas, cused be his long athletic arms for keeping the kidnapped Kisses away.  "Give me those Kisses!"

"As you wish," he suddenly had you pinned to the couch, hovering dangerously in front of you.  Being caught by surprise, you yelped, blushing bright red, and closed your eyes, protesting loudly.

But what you expected to be lips pressed against yours tasted too sweet to be...  You cracked open an eyelid and stared at the chocolate pieces perched on your nose and cheeks.  "There, a kiss here, here, and here~" he said triumphantly, sitting up and munching on his own.


"Sweets to the sweet," he winked as he stood to his feet and walked away after tossing the bag of Kisses onto your stomach.

"..."  To think that you were in love with hi-

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