Chapter 4|POV Pisces*

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       The bell rang and everyone hurriedly scrambled out of their seats and dumped their trays in the trash cans and put then on the steel rack as we exited the classroom. I followed uniform and Cancer did the same, and we were off to our next period.
(This was last chapter from Virgo's POV, which is now changed to Pisces!)

I blew a gust of air out of my mouth to the right side, struggling to move the stray pieces of hair that are achieving their goal of messing with me. They keep sliding down in front of my face, messing up my vision as I tried to write poems into my Poem Journal. I had finished all my work in Language Arts class, and had extra time to pretty much do what I want. The teacher, Mrs. McMill, didn't really mind since she say potential in my talent and enjoyed reading them. She was very encouraging and motivational to continue writing.

This journal is something special to me, that I've had since middle school. It began as a project we had to do in Creative Writing class, and I enjoyed it so much to keep it going. It's like my comforting item. I write down my feelings or emotions into it, but in poem form.

I was working on the third stanza, when the boy next to me, Aries, peered over his shoulder and narrowed his eyes at me until he noticed the notebook and his lips formed into a gruesome evil smile. I quickly dropped my yellow #2 pencil and it rolled off my desk and went crashing to the ground. While I was caught off guard examining the pencil, Aries went and snatched up my notebook and clutched it firmly with his big strong hands. They were no match to my small weak ones, since his were triple the size of mine, and he was athletic.

Aries gets on my nerves. He finds the right spots to push, and tries to push them till I snap. I've noticed he goes for the weak and quiet ones we don't make a sound. Most of the time I let him go and I give in, but I was tired of it. But how could I do anything? I was He was just...well him! I couldn't compete against someone in which holds a higher place than me. Was I really as weak as he made me seem?

I scanned the room in hope to find Mrs. McMill around, but I had forgotten she had to run to the copier room they was all the way on the other side of the school, up on the second floor. She was grabbing the field trip forums. A few people around me started at us and just observed, waiting to see what would happened next. But I was a pacifist, and didn't believe in violence to solve problems.

"Aries, can you please give me my notebook back?" I said my voice low but hoarse, which made me sound weak. Great, just another thing be can use against me. I thought I could trust him not to bother me anymore, since I had helped him with his math homework last week. Oh, was I so wrong.

     At my question, a few snickers and more glares my way we're earned. I could feel every single pair of eyes burning into my skin, making me panic. I just wanted to be outside... Listening to the birds beautiful chirping, watch the flowers swag back in forth, breathe in the warm sun. Instead, I was here, stuck getting bullied by the schools biggest bully.

     He cocked his head to the side and taunted, "Oh, does Miss Crybaby want her  feelings journal back?" A burst of low laugher erupted from the students around.

     I could feel my face burn bright red, and my skin crawl. I felt embarrassed and annoyed. All I wanted was just to write in that notebook, and not be bothered.

     "I thought we were good!" I said as my voice rising with every word. "I helped you with your math homework..." I added trailing off back to a whisper as I stared at my hands. I couldn't stare at his face. He imitated me.

     He laughed extremely loud, which then turned into a snort. After a few seconds of trying to recollect himself, as failing because every time he tried he would just start again, he finally achieved. "Really, Pisces?" As he said my name, he said it with more power on my name. My face shivered as he spoke it. "You really can't let go of that can you? You think just because you did my homework once was going to get us even?" He added as he got in my face and spoke into my ear. I shifted in my seat at the uncomfortableness. I really dislike talking to Aires, and him himself.

     Aries was actually pretty smart, most of the time. Everyone thinks he doesn't do anything and nonproductive, but he actually seems to want to finish things when started. Just sometimes it seems he acts before thinking...

      Without thinking, I quickly nodded and halfway through I realize what I was doing, I forced my neck to stop bobbling. Nodding was just a mistake. Aires placed the notebook on his desk and began to flip through pages.

     My stomach dropped and I could hear the blood rushing to my ears. In my head was screaming at him to stop flipping. He continued to flip until he got to a page fairly close to the beginning. "A-ha! Ooo! This one is juicy!" He said. I tried to lean over as if I was just going to read it, but then thrashed out to grab it. He pulled it back. "Ah-ah-ah. I wasn't finished reading yet," he remarked.

     I sat back in my seat and slowly slumped down into it in defeat. I just wanted the chair to consume me now.

     Aries took a deep breathe and started, "His blue ey-" was all be was able to read until someone interrupted him.

        The voice was heard in the front of the class, and I was surprised at who it was. It was Leo.

     I'm not friends with Leo, but I know a little bit about her. She was kind to me and one of the nicest too, but we barely talked. I've seen her really loyal and defensive side before, almost identical to the same situation.

     She jumbled out of her seat and marched over to us. Her black combat boots really adding to it. Her blue eyes reflected determined. She walked confidently, as if Aries wasn't any match for her. In any case, she was the second tallest in the school, with jus Aries takin the lead with an inch. Her long blonde hair swayed as she walked. I just couldn't help but stare at her as she walked up to Aries in awe. I wish I could be as confident as her.

      She arrived in front of Aries and looked down at him as he looked up. They both stared into each others eyes, as if they were enemies. I would like to say they are.
___________________________________Authors Note;

Thank you guys for reading chapter 4! I hope you enjoyed and continue reading!

Aries is really a bully, huh? I'm sorry if it seems like he's the "villain," but it contributes and ties in with the plot and where everyone ends up. :) I guess Aries is like the bully to the school, and Cancer, Virgo, and Pisces are the victims? XD We got Leo as the hero though guys! 💪🏻

     Also introduced two new characters? 😱 Lol, yes I did introduce two new characters. I also added a short "cliffhanger" I guess. XD

By the way, these are NOT a hundred percent accurate to the true zodiac people, these are just the stereotypical ones. So pleas don't take the descriptions of them personally.

Anyway, I hope you all have a nice and beautiful day/night! ❤️


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