Chapter 12| POV Libra

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"Well, Gemini, how about we keep exploring?" I asked as my face spread into a idiot grin.

She looked up and her faced seemed to get a lot brighter, if that was possible. "Yeah, sure," she beamed.

With Gemini taking the lead, we proceeded to travel deeper into the woods.

(Last chapter was in Sagittarius's POV)

Libra's POV*(This chapter is going to be a struggle...)

     "Hey, man," Aquarius greeted me as he walked out of the cabin door that I had previously just walked through. His short reddish brown hair was messy and sticking up all around his head. He must have been too busy with something to care for it. That's basically been his new hair look lately. It secretly made me cringe, since I preferred hair to be tamed and well combed down. 

     I smiled brightly at him, letting him know that I was also saying hello. We continued to walk toward the big group of people that were gathering around a staff member in the middle of the dirt path. We slipped into the crowd and got lost in it.

     "So, Aquarius, what were you doing that you're hair is like that?" I asked him as I eyes on the staff standing the dead middle of the group. I had to try and get taller since a lot of the people in front of me were a tad taller than me. But Aquarius had no problem since his height was matching most.

    Aquarius smiled one of his goofy grins that meant he had done something wild or rebellious. Most of the time, both.

     "Well, there was a party at Samantha's house, you know the popular girl?" He started. I nodded, but didn't change my facial emotion as I tried to see if the person was speaking or not yet.

     I did know that Samantha was having a party Sunday night. Why on a Sunday night, I have no idea. I was thinking it was possibly because it was to celebrate before they had to come on this boring 'field trip,' or possibly it was a night her parents were home. I had over heard people talking how no parental vision would be there. That makes me not even want to know what Aquarius had done.    

Aquarius nodded, and continued his story. "Well, you know how I can get...competitive.."

     'To say the least,' my mind echoed.

     "Anyway, Samantha's boyfriend Carl was there and he decided to do dares with me and a few other guys...I actually don't remember their names..." he thought the last part out loud. He squinted his eyes and seemed as if he was forcing his mind to remember, but then they went back to normal and he shrugged. "That's not important I guess. Anyway, we were doing dares such as setting a bush on fire and seeing if it would explode, we had an egg fight and such. But we also went bull riding on Samantha's parents mechanical one in their basement. And that's how this happened." He finished his story with confidence and pointed toward his hair. His mouth still had his wild smile plastered on it.

      I just let out a laugh and shook my head. Aquarius joined in with my laugh.

     It was usual for my best friend to do wild things such as setting bushes on fire and egg fights, he's actually set a few trees on fire before, and I fear he will do the same to these woods, but bull riding was new.

     But why did Samantha's parents just have a spare mechanical bull in their basement? That seemed a little weird, but I guess there was tons of explanations. They could have gotten it from an old job, maybe a family member or a friend. There was many more explanations, so I just decided to shrug it off.

     Aquarius and I stood around the group of chattering and loud teenagers, as I absorbed the beauty of the nature. It was all beautiful. The trees created a light shadow that was sprawled out across the roofs of our cabins and covered the Earthy ground floor. It allowed some pockets of sunlight to burn their way through, making it even more magnificent. Their was a soft chirping of birds that you could hear every now and then if you tried hard enough. The sun making it's way to setting, and hiding itself for the night.

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