Chapter 11| POV Saggitarius

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I walked up to the cabin, and walked in to see my new sleeping place for the next three to four days, and my new "roommates."
(Last chapter was in Leo's POV)
     "Yo, what's your name?" I heard a boy ask from behind me. I was in the far right corner of the room, rummaging through my bag for my clothes. My bag just so happened to be my black baseball bag, since I didn't have any other bags to pack my belongings in. Plus, I didn't pack a whole lot. My other luggage was just a trash bag with a sleeping bag and a pillow. I was fine and all with going on this 'camping trip,' but I was more focused on exploring and adventuring into the woods or something. Acting crazy and stupid.

     I turned around and tried to search the room for the source that called my name. There were a few other boys unpacking some of their stuff and placing it on their bunk bed. I continued to glance through the room until I saw a pair of light blue eyes. He was leaning up against his bunk frame and he looked fairly muscular. His posture seemed as if he had no care in the world, and like he lived here regularly.

     I was baffled by why he was asking for my name. "Sagittarius. Who wants to know?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow at him sarcastically. I looked down to his bunk and it seemed that he was taking the bottom like I was, but already had his red sleeping bag set out on his bed mattress. He had two pillows placed at the head of his bed.

     He shrugged. "I guess since I was done unpacking, and we had a few hours of free time, I might as well try to talk to someone," he replied. I bite my lip. He seemed really familiar. Like I've seen him in the halls before, or possibly in class.

     "Eh, okay. I guess that's a good reason. What's your name?" I asked as I copied his position and shrugged my shoulders. We were basically having a conversation from opposite sides of the room. A few people were talking and chattering away, while others were looking at us. I noticed one boy seemed to be stuffing himself with... Is that a container of Oreos? My thought was confirmed when I saw the word "Oreo's" written on the side with the trademark blue background. And the other seemed to be lecturing him. Another boy was darting around his bed, and fixing any untidiness found on and around the bed. He seemed to care a lot about it, along with his personal looks. Others along the rows of bunks on either side were unpacking and we're having conversations with the people around them.

      I turned my eyes back over to the boy that had asked for my name. "My names Aries," he said causally. This guy seemed chill and such, but he was also giving off an aggressive vibe.

     I hesitated but stepped over to where he was standing. "Cool name, bro," I said casually. He nodded.

    "So is yours," he said a little awkwardly, like he didn't know what to reply with. We slipped into silence, except for the noise the other 'campers' around were making.

This cabin wasn't interesting. I had an urge deep down that told me to go outside and take a walk or something.

     "Well, I'm pretty bored in this cabin...," I said breaking the silence as I slipped my hands into my front jeans pocket.

I ran over options in my mind. I could possibly hang out with Aries, he seems like someone who might be more 'daring,' but I still had to keep an eye on him. All the other options seemed dull and nonfun, so my last option was walking.

"I'm going to go for a walk." I said out loud. Aries seemed to be losing interest in me.

Walking and traveling was always something that I enjoyed. It kept me on my feet, and it allowed me to appreciate and engulf myself in the outdoors. I headed toward the front door and pulled my hand out of my pocket to grip the knob.

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