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I get drunk on jealousy

But you'll come back each time you leave

'Cause, darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream


We continued to dance in silence. Not saying a word, just listening to the music. The feeling of being back in his arms was overwhelming, and I had no idea what to do about it. I wanted to stay in his embrace forever, but I knew that we would split up as soon as the song finished. Knowing the song was coming to an end, I started to pull away. The hand that was holding mine pulled me back, and I collided with his chest. For a second I hoped it was because he felt the same need to stay close to me as I felt towards him. 

What is wrong with me? 

"I need to know how you got past the guards without an invitation, Principessa" he said in a dark, low tone. 

I pushed myself away from his chest so I could look him in the eyes. 

"I got past the guards with the invitation I received. You did after all invite the Pakhan of the Brava". 

Our dancing stopped abruptly, and Niccolo's hold on me tightened. The people on the dance floor were taking quick glances at us; too afraid to say anything about how we were standing in the way for everyone else. Looking back to Niccolo I could see that his eyes had darkened and his jaw was clenched. 

"Don't tell me you were the one who took over," his strained voice said. 

"Well, I won't tell you then" I said with a laugh, knowing it would irritate him. 

Applause sounded around us, and the band started on another song. His grip on me tightened and he started to guide us around the floor in a dance. 

"First you leave my car in the middle of nowhere with the keys thrown away, -" 

I interrupted him, "They're not lost. They're in the field out there somewhere". 

Niccolo continued as if I had said nothing, "And now I've been hearing rumors about the Bratva talking with the Irish. I never would have expected this reaction when I broke it off with you, mia volpe

For what felt like the first time in my entire life, I was speechless. He was implying something I was not comfortable with, and it left me with a loss as to what to say. The whole thing with Niccolo was so confusing, and I had no idea what to feel about anything

I think I need a therapist. 

"Don't flatter yourself too much now, Genovese. The rumors about the Irish and me are just that, rumors. The meeting was only for me to satisfy my curiosity about what was going between the two of you," I said, composing myself. 

"And what did you find out?"  

"They shot at us at the café because you went back on your deal with them" 

"I got some new piece of information right before the deal was to be sealed. They had already made a deal with the Bratva about coming together against us, which they backed out of. That's what lead to you shooting Callahan, right?" 

I nodded as Niccolo continued; "I felt it would be foolish to make a deal with them when they so easily could break it" 

"I agree to that. However, now you have made a true enemy who is hell bent on destroying you and taking your shipments. That's what you were so worried about, right? Them taking shipments and such?" 

"You should've stayed out of it, Eliana. I kept you out of this for your own good" Niccolo said, and I could hear the tint of irritation in his voice. 

"I don't need your protection, Niccolo. I don't even understand why you want to protect me! But I've been in this life for a long time, and I know how to protect myself" I hissed. 

He is not going to treat me like some stupid damsel in distress. 

His arm tightened around me, pressing me further against his chest. 

"I know that you can take care of yourself, you have proven it time and again, and I love that. But that does not stop me from wanting to keep you safe" he whispered into my ear, for only me to hear, his voice soft. 

Is he implying what I think he is? 

With wide eyes I looked up at him, my poker face slipping to show the confusion and war inside me. The room went silent before applause filled it once again. Our dancing stopped and we kept still. His arms keeping me tight against him, our eyes locked on each other trying to read the other. 

"Can I have my fiancé back?" Rapunzel asked where she stood staring at us. 

Niccolo slowly let go of me, but I was too stunned to move. Rapunzel was staring at me with hate in her eyes, which helped kick me back to reality. 

"Thank you for the dance, Niccolo" I said, my mask back on. 

Niccolo only nodded before Rapunzel took a hold of him and pulled him towards her. Keeping my eyes on them, I started to make my way back towards Alec and Kirill. From the smirks on their faces it was clear that they had seen everything. 

"Don't even try to say it" I murmured, already knowing that Alec was going to say something that would piss me off. 

"Okey, so I won't say it. But I have to ask how your plan is coming along?" Alec said, laughing at the end. 

His words brought my focus back to the reason why we are here, but now I was unsure. 

You are Eliana Mikhailov. The tjen, ombra, shadow. You are not weak. You do not cave to emotions.

"Oh, he will come back crawling" I said, an evil glint in my eyes. 

"How do you know that?" Alec asked, clearly amused at my change of attitude. 

"Because, darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream" I said with a wink, a laugh escaping me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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