Chapter Two

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I pick at my nail polish as my biology teacher continues to talk.

Harry keeps tapping his fingers on our shared desk as we both are uninterested on the topic.

I hear the mention of my name and look up

"Marie and Harry"

He continues to list a bunch of random names

I look over at Harry and he as his eyebrows furrowed "why did he say our names"

We both look forward and I raise my hand

"Excuse me but what did you say about us?"

He puts his paper down and away from his face and glares at me

"Mrs Taylor. This is exactly why I chose you and Mr styles as biology partners. You both don't pay attention so I would like to see how you too mix"

Harry begins to chuckle and I give him a dirty glare before looking forward "sorry"

Mr. Brown nods and begins to finish his list


It's around noon and I have dreaded this period

It's lunch

And I'm gonna be that loner

I walk up to the lunch line and grab some lunch and look around for an empty seat

When a girl walks up into front of me with some other girls behind her

She puts her hand on her hip and looks me up and down

"Awe you have no one to sit with, so sad. Maybe you just shouldn't eat. like just look at you"

She looks back as her friends laugh

I give her a dramatic fake laugh

"Haha your funny. You act like I care what you stuck up bitches think"

Her eyes go wide at my response and someone steps next to me

I glance over and it's Harry

He smiles down at me

"Come on babe. Oh hi Stephanie"

Her mouth drops as Harry puts his arm around my waist and tugs me along.

Once we are away from them I pull away

"What was that?!"

He smirks "hey we don't need a fight in the middle of the lunch room. Plus I want you to sit with me"

He squeezes my bum and starts to walk

I look around and sigh before following him

I recognise the guys at the table from earlier and there are some girls I haven't met yet

Harry sits down and I take the seat next to him

The blonde with blue eyes leans forward

"And you are?"

I smile

"Marie Taylor"

Harry smirks "she's my bio partner and moved here from America so I thought she could use some friends. Marie, Louis Niall Liam Zayn Eleanor Perrie"

I nod "nice to meet you guys".

They look back in forth between Harry and I before continuing talking.

I bite my lip as I choose what to eat first and zone out

I feel like someone is staring at me so I look over my shoulder and Stephanie is staring at me and rolls her eyes

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