chapter fifteen

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I toss the book across the room crashing into the lamp

harry immediately appears in the doorway

"whats wrong"

I shake my head

"nothing I'm just so excited"

harry gives me a worried glance and I just smile

"lets go"


we pull up to the side of the street

I quickly wip the door open

"stay here. I need to go tell zac something then were leaving"

harry reaches for the door handle

but i send him a serious look and he sighs and retreats his hand

"dont do anything stupid"

i smile "do you even know me"

i slam the door and turn on my heels now facing zacs huge house 

it was covered with a bunch of partying teens

i close my eyes and  i think of jamie and my expression goes from joking to serious

i begin to walk into his house and i can already smell the achol 

i walk into the back yard and i see zac laughing with a beer in his hand

i stomp over "zachary"

he looks over "babe!" he tries to kiss me but i take the beer from his hand and pour it all over his head

he turns red "what the hell?!"

i stand on my tippie toes to be at his level 

"remeber my brother jackass?! i  cant believe you kept that from me. like a big secret. he was a kid!"

i wince as he grabs my hair and throws me on the floor

"dont you ever touch me again! your the girl in this relationship. you dont hit me i hit you. and jamie deserved what i gave him"

i stand up

"i will do what ever the hell i want because "us" is over. i dont care what you say. your dead to me"

it comes to me as a shock when im shoved and completely submerged in water

i come up and take a big breath just to be shoved back under

i begin to panic

i cant breath

he holds me down and i kick and try to push off the wall  but he has my hair

im about to take a deep breath of water when he pulls me up

"your gonna die the same way your brother did. drowing" 

hes about to shove me down again when im shocked to hear

"thats not the way he went" and zacs hand is pulled from my hair and i hear him hit the concret

i quickly take a deep breath and crawl out the pool

i take in the situation around me

harry is standing above an unconcious zac and his friends are all standing there unsure of what to do

he looks over to me and his eyes look almost to a dark green

and it kinda scared me 

but i ran into his arms

"harry thanks you so much. i was so scared"

he strokes my hair 

"dont worry i will always be here for you. even when you think im not, i am. even when were fighting, im here. through hell and back"


a few hours later we are back at harrys and i hop into the shower

i wash the smell of clorine from my hair and body

when i was done i sink to the floor of the shower to the floor

i begin to cry and shake

it hit me that my brothers dead because of me

my dad is going to die from so much achol 

my moms gone forever

all i have is harry, and im not even sure if he needs me as much as i need him

as i sat there i swear i could hear jamies voice

"em i love you sooo much. no zac stop your hurting me. stop it. leave me alone!"

his voice changes from kindness to fear

i put my hands over my ears and scream 


i ignore the feeling of a towel being wrapped around me and the water comes to a stop.

"shhh babe take a deep breath. your fine jamies fine. your safe please just breath"

i take a few quick breaths

i open my eyes and harrys right there with worried expression

a few minuets later i was dry and laying in harrys bed

I roll over and look at his peaceful expression

I smile as i run my fingers down the side of his cheek

he shuffles just alittle and puts his arm protectivly around me

I smile as I look toward the ceiling

I'm not going to be that girl that needs to be protected

who crys every chance she gets

I'm done being scared.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2013 ⏰

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