Chapter Eleven

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Jamie's p.o.v

I smile over at Jacob

He's been here for me and we have been friends for awhile

We arrive to homecoming and the night was the best

Untill I poped the question

I walked over to Jacob and his friends

I look down at my feet before poking his shoulder

He spins around quickly "hey Jamie, what's up"

I take a deep breathe "will you be my boyfriend?"

He smiles

Then a crowd full of laughter and his smile fads

"Ew no I'm straight, fag"

"Jacob what are you doing? I thought..."

He interrupts "you thought what? Get out of here gay"

I feel the tears falling down my face

I hear some others screaming "go kill yourself" "die" "gay" "homo"

I take a deep breathe "fine you won"

I turn and begin to run home

I'm ending this


I kick open the door and my dad looks over and I completely ignore him as I run to my room

I slam and lock the door

I slide the box out from under my bed which held

Razors, knifes, and a notebook

I always wrote songs, poetry, and just my feelings

But today I knew what I was gonna write and it wasn't any of that stuff

But first I grab a razor and throw my jacket to the side of the room and pull up my sleeves

I look at all my scars

I'm disgusting....

I don't deserve to be here

All the years being bullied and I actually thought it would be different here

I was wrong

I play with the blade in my fingertips and get small slices in the tips of my fingers

I grip it firmly before slidding it down my arm

I feel the warm thick blood slide down my arm




I wipe the tears from my face as I search for a pen

I flip to a page in my notebook and I begin to write and write

I fill a good page before flipping to the back and adding one more message

I kiss the page

Before grabbing the long knife and pulling myself off the ground

I race down my stairs and the front door opens and I hear Marie


I make the decision to go outside

I run out and stand on the diving board

I hold the knife firmly to my heart

I take a deep breathe but before I could push I hear the back door

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