Chapter Nine

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I look back and forth and Harry's smirking while he's leaning against the wall


Jamie jumps in "I invited him. He's my friend"

I make an O shape with my mouth as I look at a very pissed Zac

he clears his troat

"Babe lets watch a movie"

I nod "I need to run to my room real quick"

i stand there for a minuet before running up the stairs

Jamie follows me up "don't worry Harry will stay away from you guys"

I smile "good because we dont need dad finding out"

i throw my dress on my bed and quickly changing into some sweats

I turn around and Harry's standing there blocking his eyes

"I didn't mean to walk in. i didn't see anything i swear"

My face is bright red "it's ok what do you want?"

"I think you may want to get to know your brother alittle more. He needs you"

i squint as i stare at him in confusion

He shrugs before turning and disappearing into the hallway

I jog downstairs and Zac is sitting on the couch and he has a movie on paused

I plop down next to him and he puts his arm around me and pulls me on his lap

"So what movie we watching?"

He laughs "mama"

I smack his arm playfully "you know they scare the shit out of me"

He smirks "well your cute when your scared"

I make a face before watching the film

It's halfway through and I had my face in his chest

I jumped more than 20 times

"Hey I have to hit the loo ill be right back"

I keep my eyes glued to the screen as he heads to the bathroom

It was on a very suspenseful part

I lean forward and hold my hands up to my face

Something grabs my shoulders and I scream like there's no tomorrow and Zac starts laughing

I hear my brother running down the stairs and followed by Harry

"Is everything ok?!"

I wipe a tear "ya just scared"

Zac shrugs "she'll live"

Harry face changes from being concerned to irritated

"Marie, Harry's spending the night"

I raise my eyebrow "really?"

I look at Harry and he shrugs and mouthed "idk"

I smile and mouth "your too sweet"

Zac grabs my shoulder and pulls me back "Jamie get a real friend your 12 and he's 19"

Harry steps forward already towering over him "so?"

Zac grabs my hand and puts me between the two

Jamie grabs Harry "lets go upstairs"

He turns and heads up stairs

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