Chapter Eight

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*3 weeks later

I'm sitting down in science and I haven't said a word to Harry since I was told not to

I was bitting the tip of my pen as I read our next project rubric

Zac looks back at me and I smile and give alittle wave

Harry begins talking about an idea or something he thinks we should do for the project

When he stops midway "Marie please talk to me. I miss seeing your smile. Hearing your laugh just please why?"

I look over and look Harry in the eyes which it has been awhile since I have done so

"Please did I do something wrong? I can try and fix it?"

I start clicking my pen and I hesitate before cracking

"Harry I'm not mad. I miss talking to you but I'm not allowed"

He furrows his eyebrows "what do you mean your not allowed? Who said that?"

I look down "my dad and Zac...."

He slams his hands down on the desk and I jump alittle

"Harry please"

"No Marie he can't control you like that! Why do you listen"

I put my hand on his knee and his expression calms

"Harry because he hits me... And please don't make this hard. He's probably going to freak on me but your my friend and its worth it. Lets just get to work"

I hear a loud cough and zacs voice "mr brown I'm trying to work and there are people in the back talking when they shouldn't"

I look over and my eyes wide as he shakes his head

I look down "we will hang at your place after school. My dad can't know"

"Alright, but if he touches you. You tell me I will kick his arse"

"Harry ill be fine"

The bell rings and I rush out of the class avoiding Zac presents


It's lunch and as I'm walking in someone smacks the back of my head

I look over and Zac grabs my hand "Don't think I'm letting you go that easily"

I bite my lip and look down as we make our way to our seats

I quickly scan the crowd for Jamie and I'm shocked to see him sitting with Harry

They were laughing and carrying on alone while the others were in line

I smile as I sit down next to Zac who quickly slides his hand up my inner thigh.


Jamie's p.o.v

I walk into lunch completely scared and lost

I really didn't want to go here I don't want to be attacked and have to get my sister to defend me

I go to turn and spend lunch in the bathroom when I feel someone put there arm around me

I look up scared at first and see Harry

My cheeks instantly turn pink

"Hey lad you want to come sit with me"

I smile "yes"

He chuckles "alright we are over here"

We take a seat and I look behind me at the table which was full of the idiots who attack me

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