Ch. 5~ Holy Water

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I stormed out of the car, not really sure why I was mad. I just made it seem like I was on my period. We all walked into the church and was greeted by one of the pastors. I stared at him as he touched my shoulder. When he did I grew tense.

"What can I do for this lovely family today?" the pastor asked politely. "brother, our daughter has been through horrible times. We just ask for your prayers and some help from the Lord."

He nodded and took us over to the front of the church, where he grabbed a Bible and holy water.

Don't touch me. I told myself this over and over again.

He dipped his finger into the Holly water and drew a cross on my forehead with it. Mph. It stung a little. The pastor started to say a few words from the Bible and I became even more tense. I gritted my teeth, glaring at the pastor with his eyes on the book. My parents had their heads bowed, so it didn't seem like they would notice.

"NO!" I pulled away from my thoughts and sped towards the car. It burned. Horribly. I couldn't take it anymore. I leaned on the car and tried to calm down. The burning sensation on my forehead was irritating me, so I forcely wiped the Holy water off and dried my hands with my shirt. I was to late, though. My eyes already started to bleed.

My parents came out with frowns on their faces. I quickly wiped off the blood, hoping they wouldn't notice it. They didn't. Instead, they went straight to the car without saying a word to me. I decided to go in also.

We sat their in silence for a good 2 minutes until my dad spoke up.

"What the hell was that? " he sounded upset. He doesn't understand. I didn't think he would. No one understands. Not even me. I felt like the angriest person alive. The more angry I got, the more I wanted to hurt someone and scream.

He turned around and looked me in the eyes with a straight face. I knew he noticed the blood, but he didn't say anything.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking down at my hand. For some reason, whenever I looked at the print on my hand, I felt at peace, Luke someone was calling me. Right then, the bleeding stopped. My eyes widened. The print...

"The scene you put on! You embarrassed me AND your mother!" he yelled at me,tired of my ways. My mom put a hand on his shoulder and whispered something in his ear. "But Maya.. Mh fine." he sighed. "Look, I'm sorry sweetie. I just got really upset. We're gonna do all we can to help you hunny. We just have to find out what's wrong with you." he smiled and reached to the back to place a small kiss on my forehead, then turned away.

I wiped a tear from my eye and looked back at my hand. I found my self placing the back of my hand to my lips. Did I just kiss my own hand... There's something up with this thing my my hand...
Jesus Alexa is slow. NOW she wants to acknowledge the print? Lol JK. I'm the one writing the story anyway!
This is my 5th chapter. By now, u should know what's up. Holy water burning her, a print on her hand out of no where, blood streaming from her eyes... This girl possessed. Someone need Jesus! 😂😂
Hope ur loving it so far! Lots of love!

~ xoQueenQox

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