Ch. 1~ Family Get Together

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I was falling. It felt like a dream I couldn't wake up from. This isn't the first time I've had one of these dreams. The only thing different was that it was dark. I felt hands, grabbing at me, tearing up my clothes, clawing my skin. I kept falling, watching several burning faces turn into ash. Then I hit the ground...
I gasped for air, sitting up instantly, shaking off the horrible dream I had just woken up from, only leaving me feeling a little light headed. It was bright and early in the morning. And by bright and early, I mean 2:00pm. Yeah, I'm a sleeper, but who wouldn't want to sleep in extra hours after a full week of school? This is how I spend my weekends. Sadly, I didn't have much time before I had to get up out of bed and prepare myself for what's coming next... Family!

It's not that I hate my family coming over for a Family Get Together, but I would rather lay in bed all day. No hard feelings though... Right?

I sat in bed for a little while longer, letting my head ache disappear through my thoughts. Something about the vibe coming from throughout the house startled me. It wasn't the same. Something felt... Out of the ordinary. Maybe it was just my dream... Eh, whatever.

I lazily rolled out of bed and for my bathroom. Of course, all I could hear was the busy streets near my neighborhood, filled with traffic jams and yelling from here to there. These were the busy streets of New York, my home.

I took a deep breath as I looked at my radiant skin and messy brown hair. I was pretty pale, but not to pale where I could literally blend into paper, just a little peachy, though. My wavy hair was a dark brown, kind of like tree bark. I was pretty fit, but not that skinny where u could see my bones. I was a little cheeky in some areas. I had a yellow tank on and dine sweat pants. Nothing to fancy, not to mention they're pjs.

I stopped staring and reached for my tooth brush as I turned on the hot water in my bathtub. I let it run till it got warmer as I quickly brushed my teeth and stripped down. I then started the shower and stepped inside. Finally, relaxation.

After getting out of the shower and throwing on a bright blue crop that reached to my belly button and some high waist jeans that were above my belly button, I put up my hair and headed downstairs to find my parents in the kitchen fixing up a huge chicken to put in the oven for about an hour and a half. It was now 3:29pm so that would lead us into eating at 5:00ish. Which also meant that family will be arriving soon... Horray?

I pouted just a little, but enough that my parents would notice.

"What's wrong munchkin?" My dad asked as he cleaned the counters.

"Nothing, I guess. Just not really looking forward to the gathering." I answered.

"Oh please, you hardly ever see your grandparents. And your cousins will be happy to see u. As for ur aunts and uncles, well they'll be happy to see u, too!" my mom cut in as she closed the oven. "Now, where are ur siblings? "

How was I supposed to know. I barely even notice I have siblings sometimes.
I'm the oldest out of the pack. I have two younger brothers, Devin who is 7 and Jeremy who is 10. Then there's my younger sister, Danielle, also know as Danny. She's 12 years old. As for me, I'm 15. Let me tell u, they're ALL little brats.

I went to the loving room where I flopped down onto the couch, about to turn on the TV until I saw a finger hiding behind the wooden stand that held the TV up. I took a closer look at it and it seemed to be an old fashion box. Ontop of it laid a hammer, a rusty one.

"Hey mom, what's in this box?" I examined the crate. It had mold growing on it, too. Ew.

"What box? " she questioned.

I groaned, "never mind!".

Later on, family members started to arrive. Little kids were running around screaming while I greeted everyone and sat right back down on the couch. The box caught my attention once more. I was eager to know what was inside of it, but I had to wait till everyone left. I don't want little kids getting into my business.

We had 30 minutes left till dinner, so I decided to grab some headphones and listen to music, ignoring all the texts my friends sent to me on my phone. I'm not social. Sorry. As I was listening to my music, my grandma sat down next to me and worded out a few words with her mouth. I took my ear phones out.
"Excuse me? " I said with a smile.
"How are you my darling?" she repeated.

We made small talk for a good 5 minutes and I put my ear phones back in. Next came my Uncle and cousins. I grew annoyed with all the people interrupting my chill time. I HAVE MY EAR PHONES IN FOR A REASON!! I thought to myself. Ugh.

FINALLY my mom called everyone the the table. Nothing better than a joke cooked meal, right? We prayed and got busy eating. Of course, I couldn't have the peace and quiet I deserved while I ate, so I had to put up with all the voices surrounding me. I love them all, but I get stressed too, you know?
Hi peeps. This is the end of the first chapter. I hope you see where this is leading to. Make predictions on what will happen next if u'd like. Again, I will be tagging people for positive comments 😊 I hope u guys have a precious week. LOTS OF LOVE!

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