Ch. 15~ Uncomforting

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Unedited. Sorry for mistakes.

"Hello?" his tired voice made him sound like I just woke him up. I couldn't help but feel bad, but right now I had no option. I thought I was going crazy. Was that really Devin? Was I seeing things? Was any of this real?

"Um... Hi." I replied. I wondered if he was mad at me from earlier today. "Um, are you mad at me?" I felt I should've asked. I didn't want him coming over if he was mad at me. "No, why would you think that? In fact, I thought you were mad at me. What's up?" I stood quiet before saying anything more. "Can you come over?" I felt awkward asking. It was almost 2:00 in the morning and a school night. There was silence at the other line and I felt like I made the wrong move.

"Um... Sure. What for?" I felt relieved when he answered. "I'll explain everything when you get here. Meet me outside."

I stood outside with a pair of shorts on and a hoodie. The wind blew through my hair and I looked around, searching for a sign of him. After five minutes, Jackson finally appeared. I stood up from the bench I was sitting on and went to hug him. "Hey" he whispered to me. I smiled at little. "Hey", I whispered back. We sat down on the bench and he looked at me, waiting for an explanation.

"OK... To be honest, I called you out here because I need comforting. I don't know I think I'm going crazy I don't know what's happening to m-" "Calm down. Take it slowly. What happened?" he said, rubbing my jaw line with his thumb. I ran my hand through my hair and took a deep breath.

"Ok, so Devin came into the kitchen while I was getting a drink and said there was a man in my room. He said he talked to him and that this 'man' said he was my secret holder and that his name was the hammer. I ran to my room to see if someone broke in but there was no sign of a break in. I'm freaking out. Then, Devin came in my room and gave me the same hammer that face me this.... Thing on my hand," I took a break and lifted my sleeve, showing him the print on the back of my hand and began to speak again. "And he said that... That this was just the beggining. The creepy thing about it is that Devin wasn't acting himself and that wasn't his voice either. Not only that, but... those are the exact same words I had from my dreams." I looked up, only to see a concerned look on Jackson's face. It was almost like he didn't know what to say.

"Is this a... a joke?" I raised my eyebrows at his response. "What? N-no! I don't know what to do! I called you here so you could help me." Jackson grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss. This wasn't the time. I pulled away and he only started at me in shock. "Babe, I don't know what to say." "Then leave." I rejected him and went inside. I couldn't help but feel guilty. It wasn't his fault. I wouldn't believe me either, but I expected he would comfort me, reduce the amount of stress on my shoulders. But no, it only made things worse.

I ran into my room, shutting the door behind me. I took the jacket off and threw it to the other side of the room. I sat on my bed and stared into thin air, letting my thoughts sink in. At that time, I couldn't take it anymore. I ripped my long sleeved shirt off, revealing all my scars. "Is this what you want?" I have a fake laugh under my breath. "for me to suffer?" I whispered to nothing. "ANSWER ME!" I screamed. I wanted answers. "I can't take it anymore. What do you want from me!?" I turned around, expecting someone, something to appear. Nothing.

I grew angry and took a look at the print on my hand. "You're doing this to me!" I yelled, scratching at it. I did this to the point where I started to bleed until I came to a stop. Someone grabbed my ankle and yanked me down, forcing me to the ground. I gasped before hitting the floor and spotting a silhouette rising, bending over me and revealing it's face. It had no eyes, just a mouth. It faced me fora while, until an evil, fake smile crept onto it's face. "Don't make things worse for yourself." it said, stroking my hair. Its long finger nails scratched at my skin until it vanished.

I sat on the floor, staring in disbelief of what I just saw. It's voice sounded as if there was more than just one voice. A sharp pain ran up my spine and I became dizzy. That's when everything went black. The last thing I heard was tiny footsteps creep into my room and a voice that said "I told yah'."


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