He doesn't love you. He feels sorry for you. How else was he supposed to make you feel better? You're a worthless, pathetic human being. You have no place in this world. An amazing guy like him would never love you. You don't deserve him!
I sat in my bedroom that night, letting my mind criticize me. I couldn't take it anymore. I was right, wasn't I? Do I really have a spot in this world? Does Jackson even care? I'm pathetic, useless. The only thing I'm good at is being creepy.
I grew paler. My parents started to think I was dieing. It's been a week already since Jackson had asked me out on a date. We wanted to go somewhere earlier, but since we were grounded from the incident at school, our parents wouldn't let us out. Not only that, but they were still debating on whether we were responsible enough to be out on our own, just the two of us. A week of being Jackson's girl friend. I shivered at the thought.
My mind always told me I wasn't good enough, that I should go kill myself. So, of course, I couldn't handle it. I got up and walked over to my bathroom. I stopped in front of my mirror and stared at my reflection. It's almost like I looked straight into my soul. I felt tense, thoughts racing through my head. I stared harder.
My heart dropped before I realized what was going on. The lights flickered. I took a step back before... Crack.. My whole mirror burst into tiny pieces of glass, tearing up my skin as the sheds flew through the air. I fell back, covering my face. I covered my mouth before letting out a scream. I scared my parents enough for one month. The lights then went out completely.
I crawled over to my bed and grabbed a candle that was lit at my bed stand. I slowly stood up, watching my every step. I tip toed over to the glass and picked up a piece, just to look at myself before I felt a stinging sensation on my face. I took a look at myself before realizing I had a huge scar on my face that looked exactly like a crack. What the he-
The door burst open and in came my little sister. "WHAT HAPPENED!?" she squealed. I guessed that, since her room was directectly next to mine, she probably heard the glass. She had a dead expression on her face that showed she was scared.
Before I knew it, she ran up to me and hugged me tight. Then she looked up into my eyes and her face sank. "Your face..." she pointed out. I ran my finger along the scar. She wasn't the only one confused. I was lost, myself. I pulled her into my chest and released a tear. "Go back to sleep Danielle... The lights will be back on when you wake up in the morning." I whispered to her. "Promise?" I help up my hand, showing that it was my oath to her. She smirked and ran from my arms, back to her room.
My smile faded when I took another look at the horrible view... Me. The scar turned into a blackish color and my eyes were full of hatred. Not hatred for the people in my life, but hatred for myself. My hand then started to burn. I took a look down at it and realized the print on my hand was turning red and started to steam up. My eyes widened.
I ran to the sink even though there was glass on the floor and ran cold water onto the wound.
Glass buried itself into my feet... But I didn't feel any pain.
I grabbed a sharp piece of glass, not knowing how else I could erase all these horrid thoughts from my mind.
I placed the cold blade onto my skin and began to sink it into my skin and ran it up my arm.
That's when I stopped. I dropped the glass and stared into thin air. As soon as the glass hit the floor, everything went black.
I heard a scream in the distance. My body felt weak. Was I even me any more? I felt my arms swing, but I didn't have any control over myself. My throat began to go numb. I heard screams, but had no idea who was screaming. I then felt a hand wrap around my mouth and another around my jaw line. That's when I realized.... The screams were coming from me.
BAM! probably the most suspenseful chapter so far! Yeah, Nah? Lol a new chapter will be released very soon so hold on till then. So excited! I have lots of ideas for future chapters. Mwah! Lots of love! 😍😍😍😊~xoQueenQox

The Dead's Print
TerrorAlexandria, know as Alexa, has nearly lived in a small house in New York her whole life. Nothing has changed. The sun still shined and birds still chirpped. Her family got along and were always happy, but one day, this all changed. Accidently slammi...