116 12 4

Dec. 5

Dear Corinne,

Mr. Soren sat down in the empty seat next to me in class again today. I inched over to the far edge of my seat, putting as much room as I could between us. But he started talking to me. Flirting, really. I thought I was going to be sick. And then:

Collin: That is completely innapropriate.

Mr. Soren stiffened.

Collin: Leave her alone. You are being completely unprofessional.

Mr. Soren: Leave my class. Get out.

Collin: Leave Leigh alone. Get out of that seat and never speak to her again.

Mr. Soren: Get OUT! Head down to the office. LEAVE!

Mr. Soren got up from beside me and went back to his desk. Collin picked up his books and simply strolled out of the classroom. I hid my face.

Mr. Soren: Leigh, you have detention after class.

I thought I was going to die.

When class ended, I stayed in my seat. I was too scared to move. Mr. Soren made his way over to me and sat on my desk. I stood up, trembling, clutching my books, and took a breath, facing him.

Mr. Soren: Leigh, now, you haven't told anyone, have you?


Mr. Soren: Because you know that I absolutely love you and would hate for anything to come between us.


Me: Bullshit.

And then he slapped me. Hard.

I stood up to my bully. Now what am I supposed to do?




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