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A/N : Hope you enjoy the fic, the pic above is the clothes I imagined Lauren wearing.

Lauren's POV:

"Lauren, I'm not going to call you again! Get up, you're going to be late." I awoke to the voice of my clearly agitated mother. Great, now she was pissed at me.

Summer break was over, today was the first day back at school and I was beginning to dread it more and more by the second. I was going into 11th grade, which meant I would have to actually try and listen to the teachers this year. That alone made me want to stay in bed.

"I'm up, stop yelling. Jesus!" I hissed back, while sliding out of bed groggily.

It was already 7:55am and school started at 8:15, I really didn't want to be late for my first day. I rummaged through the pile of clothes on the floor in the hope that I would find something clean to wear.

I managed to find my pair of khaki coloured shorts and a plain white t-shirt, which I thought would be suitable; I didn't have much time to disagree. I quickly brushed my hair and applied some light makeup, I also wore my newest snapback that I had recently bought.

It was already 8:10 by the time I finished. I grabbed an apple on the way out of my house, despite my mom's yelling to actually supply myself with a nourishing breakfast. I started my car and sped quickly in the direction of my high school; Miami Senior High.

Since I lived only a short few minutes away from the school, it wasn't a problem of being embarrassingly late. I arrived at 8:14 and almost ran up the steps, I was about to open the door but I was interrupted by a voice.

"Lauren, wait up!" I heard Dinah yell from her car in the parking lot. She was still applying eyeliner and clearly had no intention on finishing it anytime soon. She had no concept of time or school, in fact if it wasn't for me, she'd probably ditch everyday.

"Hey DJ," I said happily, as I hadn't seen my best friend in over 3 days. After a minute or two, I realised Dinah wasn't going to get out of her car, so I decided to walk down the steps again and try again: "so school started exactly two minutes ago.. are you coming or not?" I said as politely as I could.

"Not. Dawg that school is so badly run that I doubt the principal is even there. You know what, i'mma march right on in there and see for myself," she said confidently while opened the car door and began walking towards the school in a sassy manner.

I just followed her, because honestly, she very rarely walked up those steps willingly. I knew we would be killed by the principal when we went to get our schedules, so I began thinking of excuses silently while Dinah started telling me some story about Beyoncé's new album being released soon.

When we reached the principal's office to collect our schedules and locker numbers it was 8:23. Dinah delayed us by dancing in the corridor and miming, yet another, Beyoncé song. Shocking.

I gently knocked on the door and was answered by Mr. Williams who quickly asked for our names in annoyance as we were late. When he handed us the schedules we realised we had different classes for first period.

"I have math," I groaned hysterically, which caused an echo in the corridor. We both giggled quietly before finding our lockers. Once we finished, we said our goodbyes and made our way to our classes.

I began praying while I approached the class, the teacher was Ms. Jackson who was literally the strictest teacher in the whole school. I sighed quietly before I knocked on the door and cautiously entered the room.

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