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By the time Monday morning rolled around I had recovered from the tragic hangover I had entailed from all the drinking I had done on Friday night. I had managed to get through the first few classes without falling asleep.

I was currently on my way to my next class with Dinah, I checked my time table which revealed that the class was actually history. I almost screamed because somehow I had forgotten all about the project that we had been assigned to do.

"Shit DJ," I sighed, barely audible.

"What's up?" Dinah replied, her voice full of concern.

"The project," I said with wide eyes. Dinah smirked in contentment as she had finished her's at the weekend with Quinn whereas I hadn't even remembered it. Even if I had of remembered, I would have never actually met up with Camila. Not in a million years would I let her into my house or enter her's.

But not having the project done meant 'severe consequences' I thought, remembering Mrs Briggs' words. Dinah laughed at me as we both entered the classroom and as I would have to come up with an excuse. I slowly made my way over to my desk and saw that Camila was already sitting in her seat, slouched back and relaxed. Obviously she had forgotten about the project she probably still didn't realise we were about to get in deep shit. She was talking to some girl that sat near us but immediately stopped that conversation as she saw me settling into my seat.

Then Camila turned to me, "what are we gonna do about the project?" I raised an eyebrow at the smaller girl, she actually remembered the project, I thought. I looked across at the young teacher that was in charge of history class and then back at Camila who was looking at me expectedly.

"You can do the talking," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Can't you just charm her into giving us another few days? I'm sure you've done that before," Camila replied trying to make a joke but I wasn't laughing - in fact I found it offensive. I hated when she hinted at me being slutty.

When Camila saw that I was not laughing or that my face showed no sign of amusement or the sheer fact that my face fell at her comment, she rolled her eyes "oh come on, I was just kidding!"

The bell then rang, signalling the start of class. The thought of the soon-to-be encounter with Mrs Briggs was making me nervous as I had never really been in trouble before with any teachers before.

Soon Mrs Briggs began calling groups up to the front of the room to present their projects. She called Dinah and Quinn first and they presented their's, it was good but obviously not the best since both girls weren't the best at history. But at least they finished the project, I thought.

She called a few more groups and they all managed to have their project completed. Then she called our group. I sighed.

"Camila and Lauren," Mrs Briggs said signalling for us to present our project.

I snapped my head around to look at Camila, for a moment I thought she was going to leave me to cover for us but then she stood up and began talking.

"I was away at the weekend so we couldn't actually do the project, could we possibly have a few more days?" she said with an innocent expression on her face. I lightly smiled up at Camila and noticed that she was biting her lip, which she did when she was nervous. But I immediately tore my eyes off of her when I realised that Mrs Briggs would have to reply.

"How much of your project do you have done?" she asked, sighing with impatience.

"We almost have it done," I lied, but we hadn't even started it in truth.

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