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I always loved history. But ever since Camila and I became history partners and we were forced to sit together in every class, I adored it even more. I was excited to go to every class, just because I knew that I would get the opportunity to see the beautiful brunette.

Things weren't awkward after our last encounter, in which Camila and I drunkenly made-out in the bathroom of a bar. I had prepared myself for Camila to blank me after that night but she actually did the opposite. We gad gotten even closer over the past few weeks and even occasionally flirted with each other.

My feelings for Camila had escalated, there was no denying it. It wasn't just a crush anymore. I really liked her and I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. I wanted her boyfriend to just disappear so that I could have her undivided attention.

So when Mrs Briggs announced that there was a history paper due on the Vietnam War, I decided to seize the opportunity to ask Camila to meet up and turn the whole affair into a hang out session.

I had to be courageous and just ask her to meet up because otherwise I would never see her and the thought of that alone made me sick to the stomach. Only seeing her in school just wasn't enough anymore. I was way too needy for my own good.

We were currently sitting in our usual seats next to each other as Mrs Briggs was talking to Quinn, explaining the assignment. Most people began to talk amongst themselves as she did so.

I turned towards Camila tentatively and she waited expectantly for me to speak. I didn't even know how to ask her. If I asked her to come "hang out" that could seem too suggestive. Or maybe I just overthink things.

"So, I was thinking," I began nervously, picking at my nails and not meeting her eyes, "since we have to do the assignment you should come over to mine tonight and we could maybe hang out afterwards and watch a movie or something."

I then looked up to meet her eyes and she seemed lost in thought as I awaited her answer. Maybe she was thinking of excuses to use or maybe she was thinking about how idiotic I was and all the ways she could spend her time better.

"I'm doing something with Austin tonight," Camila said carefully, examining my eyes slowly after she spoke.

"Oh," I said disappointedly. I didn't even realize how sad I sounded until the words came out, so I tried to fix it immediately before Camila noticed, "that's fine, don't worry."

But Camila must have noticed my solemn response because she was now looking deep into my eyes and narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Actually, you know what, I can reschedule with him it's fine. We've got work to do," Camila responded cheerfully.

I tried not to show my happiness on my face but I'd imagine I failed. I could even feel my cheeks heating up as I spoke to Camila. The sheer thought of having her in my bedroom while we chatted and watched movies made me so nervous but also excited.

Soon the class was over and it was time for lunch. I used to always spend the majority of lunch discussing things with Dinah, but she was so busy with Jade that it was hard to get a word in. The flirting between them was going strong and I wasn't the only one who noticed.

Normani constantly stared at them and gave Jade dirty looks. I didn't know what her problem was, seeing as she was the one who told Dinah she wasn't interested. Normani constantly tried to exclude Jade from the lunch group as well.

Today I was sitting beside Normani at lunch. After a few minutes, she nudged me and pointed in the direction of Dinah and Jade, "what's going on with them?" She asked curiously, I could sense the jealously in her voice though.

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