I miss you

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Hey everyone

Do y'all ever have this friend that you love in a friend way. Like y'all are friend soul mates?  Well I have one of those friends but she doesn't notice me, doesn't talk to me, doesn't include me in things. And I love her so much. I would do anything for her but she has other friends that she easily puts over me and it makes me so sad. I really just wanna cry. Today she showed me this thing she was doing with her friends and they all wrote this thing and a bunch of her other friends did it but she didn't want me to and that hurt. Also when I'm walking right in front of her, she doesn't notice me and such. And it makes me feel so bad. I just wonder if I embarrass her or something. I really do love her. I love hanging out with her. I like her personality, her style, how funny she is. But I just think she doesn't feel that way about me and it really breaks my heart. I just want to be treated like how she treats some other friends. I've known her for like 8 or 6 years but some people she just met this year she already likes them more then me I guess. And it just really hurts me.

Rants!!!!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt