Maybe i should

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Just fuck it.
I wanna fucking hurt myself right now
I wanna set fire to my fucking house
I wanna kill everyone I see
Just fuck it.
Why don't I just kill myself while I'm at it?
I'm not kidding anymore. All my friends would be better off without. They would be perfectly fine. Nothing would change. Life would still go on.
If I died my parents could stop spending money on me.
I could also stop being a disappointment to them.
If I left tonight, then my friends could finally see that life would be much better without me. That then there would be enough space at out lunch table for people who matter. I barely talked anyway, they wouldn't miss me.
I'm just another person in this world. I'm just another person in the school.

No one, and I mean no one would miss me. I could end it now. I could feel no more pain. All my problems would go away.
You know, at school it seems like I don't have problems, I'm all laughing and everything. But then I get home and I debate wether or not I should kill myself.

But in reality nothing is stopping me tonight. I could. I could end everything. It seems so simple. So perfect. It could be done. Take some blades. Maybe the noose ((if I can find it)) take to many pills my 'accident'  
But really. I think I just might. Really fuck it. Just fuck it. Fuck everything. Everything. I'm done with life. Like can fuck itself.

Bye Alex Xx

Rants!!!!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt