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Hi guys so I thought I should tell you all that I am agender. As you've seen in my other rants(?¿) I have told you that I am transgender, ftm. Well I'm not ((I'm still transgender because I don't agree with my birth gender)) I am agender. Which means I don't have a gender/or the little gender I have is male.

How I found out I was agender was researching genders. I didn't ever feel fully male but I knew I wasn't female at all. But like I still wanted to wear dresses and makeup and all and heels and everything like that so I started researching genders for a long time and I found agender. I then did a lot of research on agender and what that is and all and finally I knew that was me. I am still victor, I don't know if I'll take Testrone ((however you spell it)) and all but yeah

Xx victor

Rants!!!!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt