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"Alex!" I heard her scream from outside and I knew something wasn't right. I immediately dropped my tools and ran inside to see her lying on the corner of the stairs in a crumpled heap. As soon as I got to her I knew she was unconscious and her breathing weak. My heart dropped as I frantically shook her but received no response. I grabbed my phone and dialled the number I hoped I'd never need. 999.

Hands shaking, I was told the ambulance would be with us any minute before the line went dead. The 5 minutes it took seemed like hours as I sat and stroked her long black hair telling her quietly everything would be alright. I watched her breathe with tiny little breaths and just hoped she'd hang on until the medics got here.

When they knocked on the door I jumped, I was so absorbed in watching her incase something happened. I ran to open the door and they ran back to her with me. Watching from a distance as they checked her vitals and eased her onto the stretcher killed me inside. Why can't I do anything for her?

It wasn't until they carried her past me I noticed how frail she looked, her clothes hung off her and her face looked drawn and thin in her slumber. Following them to the ambulance, I went into the back to sit with her as they bustled into the back to give her oxygen and some injections. I know I'm in shock but I can't snap out of my daze, I feel like I'm watching from inside a bubble as my beautiful Charleigh is lying lifeless on the gurney in front of me. My mind drifts to when I first found her...

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