Chapter 1

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"Summer, get dressed" my mum yelled from the living room "I'm up" I replied falling out of bed while putting my glasses on "sissy, where's dad?" Lyric asked "either in the shower or at the studio" I replied standing up "summer, have you seen my dv shirt?" Dad asked walking in "oh, I'm wearing it" I said smiling "give me ten minutes and you'll have it and please take lyric with you" I added. "Okay and clean your room" he told me walking out with lyric following him.

-half an hour later-

"Summer, you said ten minutes" mum Mitch said "when did you get here?" I asked "20 minutes ago" he replied as I passed the shirt to dad "anyways don't you have school today?" Pel asked "I'm ill *cough* *cough*" I replied causing him to laugh "you mean, we are going on tour tonight and you wanted to be there when we leave? He asked as I nodded "my dad is leaving" I answered hugging my dad "dad don't leave" lyric, winter and Robbin said hugging his legs.

"It's only a few weeks, I'll be back" he explained to them "come on, we're going to the studio" dad said "can I get lift with uncle Mitch and uncle pel?" I asked pulling out of the hug "of course and don't do anything stupid" mum said "me? Do something stupid. Never" I replied walking out side with Mitch and pel "how's Barry?" I asked getting into Mitch's car "he's alright, he is at the studio with my mum" Pel replied.


"Hey, little one" Jordan said as I walked in followed by Mitch, pel, my parents and siblings "he Jordan" I replied hugging him "we know you don't want Sam to go but he is doing this for you, we all are" he whispered to me "thanks uncle Jordan" I mumbled as we pulled out of the hug "what? No hug for the rest of us?" Warren asked standing next to me "come on then" I replied smiling while hugging all of them "hey, summer, take your siblings I into the studio" mum said passing Robbin to me and winter to Ellie with lyric following  "I know you don't want don't want your dad to go but I was talking to your mum and you all will going to one of the shows and I was told to tell you that you can't run off like last year" Ellie explained "I didn't meant to, I got a cute guys number and I dropped the paper on the floor" i told her.

"And how older was this guy?" She asked "15" I say placing Robbin on the matts "15? You were just 11, what if Sam finds out. Me and you both are dead" lyric said "hush you. Your only 7" I said "she's right. No one tells anyone about this. We burn the paper with the number" Ellie said "what paper?" Grandpa asked "it's nothing to worry about dad, we have it sorted" Ellie told him "if you say so" he replied walking upstairs "is everything okay?" Ash asked walking in "yeah, everything's okay" lyric said smiling.

"Summer, your dance lesson is going to be early today" dad said standing next to me "are you sure?" Mum asked picking up Robbin and stood next to Ellie "yeah, I'm sure" he replied as Ash pressed play on the music.

-a couple hours later-

"But dad" I whispered hugging him "you can't leave" I added as I started crying "I see you soon, it won't be for long" he replied "it's too long, please don't go" I mumbled "it's just a couple of weeks, and if you practice enough. Maybe you could perform on stage with  us" Ash said as I pulled out of the hug to look at him "okay, I'll practice enough" I mumbled wiping my tears away "come on summer, we need to get these three home" mum said as I walked towards the car "bye dad" I replied smiling.

Dancing to the sound of music (squeal to the love dancing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя