Beside You Part 7

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Harry P.O.V.

"Harry wake up." I shaken awake yet again, I thought it had to be Lex, she always seemed to be the first to wake in the morning. I pulled my eyes open weakly saw a blurry version of Lex standing over the couch.

"I got to go to work." She whispered pulling her brown hair up and out of her face. "Tell the boys I say bye." She looked down to me and I nodded and rubbed my eyes to see her more clearly.

"Come over after work?" I said in a yawn, running my fingers through my hair.

"Maybe, if not then I'll see you tomorrow." Lex turned to leave.

"Tell Barbra I say hi?" I asked as she stood at the door to leave. She nodded, smiled to me and was on her way out of the door.

I tried to force myself to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I was too restless and couldn't get comfortable on the couch. I wanted to go to my bed but Lex and Kaleb slept their last night and I was too lazy to move from the couch.

Luke and Niall were up in my mum's bed and Michael and Calum were in Gemmas' room, which left Ashton and I on the couch and chair for tonight. When Kaleb and Lex aren't we go in my bed, but I don't mind sleeping on the couch, if we get their company. They always insist on sleeping on the couch but I wouldn't have it.

Ashton was draped in the chair, he didn't look comfortable at all and I knew that he was going to be really sore; I just want to help him out. So I got up from the couch and walked over to him.

"Ash." I patted his back.

"Hushh what?" He squinted his eyes and stretched his arms out raising his head up.

"I just don't want you to get a back ache from sleeping like that." I walked away from the chair and collapsed back on the couch. "Lex just left there is a spot open in my bed." I explained Ashton got up from the chair and started up the stairs to my room.

"Thanks." He mumbled on his way up. I turned on the telly, grateful to have a bit to myself.


The boys and I weren't going to see Lex again till tonight when we were going to her house for dinner. Barbra invited us all, and the boys committed to going. None of us were really keen on missing out on a home cook meal. We don't get a whole lot of those lately, or at all.

Around 6 o'clock we gathered ourselves up and took two cars too Lex's house. As soon as Calum knocked on the door Lex answered it. She stood in a simple black t-shirt and light wash jeans, and still managed to look beautiful. She did look tired and beat though, and didn't have the usual smile on her face.

"Hey guys." She managed to muster up a fake smile and moved aside to let us in her home.

"Boys you are here!" Barbra exclaimed walking into the living room as the six of us squeezed in. Kaleb followed her out of the kitchen, probably helping her cook.

I couldn't help but notice Kaleb's good looks. The boys and I talked about how insecure we felt next to him. To me he looked a bit like Dave Franco.

"Make yourself at home I insist." She propped up some of the pillows on the couch. "Do you want anything to drink, Alexis, offer them something." Barbra looked to Lex who rolled her eyes.

"We got water, milk, maybe some coke, anyone want anything." Lex said to please Barbra.

"We can take care of that don't worry." Ashton smiled to Lex and Barbra.

"Dinner is almost ready, everyone just sit down turn the television on anything." Barbra went back into the kitchen, Kaleb in tow. Niall, Ashton, Luke and Calum squeezed on the couch while Michael and I took comfort in the chairs. Lex walked over and sat on the arm of the couch next to Luke sighing.

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