Beside You Part 24

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 Michael P.O.V.

We were packing up the car to leave for the night. We only had a couple days left here and we were trying our best to spend all the time we could together, although we would exactly be alone on this camping trip. Lex was at work for the better part of the day and it was four now and our time to leave.

“Guess who is driving.” Calum exclaimed holding the key up in his fingers a mischievous smile along with his dark eyes lighting up. 

“You fucking serious?” I looked to the reset of the boys and they shrugged. We rented a van for the night so we only had to drive in one car. All the other boys were off recording and Kaleb was at work. So we were all set to leave.

“Is Calum going to kill us?” Lex walked out to the van, a bag in her had. She was still wearing my flannel, it hung loose on her. Under it was a tight black tank top and on her legs is a pair of old blue jeans, her wavy hair pulled up in a pony tail, and not a trace of make-up remained on her face. She was breathtaking.

She was eating something while she talked. I grabbed her overnight bag from her and slipped in the car. “I got you sour patch kids but I kind of ate some.” She grinned and handed me a half eaten bag. I laughed and threw a green one in my mouth, before Ashton ripped the bag out of my hands in one swift movement.

“Thanks for the snack.” He called and jumped in the back seat with Nev. Lex and I started to laugh, I pulled my arm around her back and pulled her to my side, loving the feeling of her body on mine.

“You ready?” I looked down to her head looking into my eyes with a huge grin on her lips. The way I just seemed to make her entire face light up made me feel like I was the luckiest person on this entire planet.

She climbed into the car first and I was quick behind her. Luke pulled himself in the passenger seat and Calum sat in the driver’s seat and started up the car. Luke was quick to turn on the radio and Lex buckled herself in the middle seat and sat close to me.

Nev and Ashton were in the back seat messing around, and telling jokes. Even though they were a couple they didn’t always seem like it. They acted more like best friends and very rarely passed kisses back and forth if anyone was around. But they were awfully cute together, almost perfect. I think that maybe after time they would be more comfortable with displaying their affection with each other, in front of others.

“You okay?” Lex looked to me. I nodded quick, she must have sensed I was again getting lost in my thoughts. I tend to do that a lot, and Lex often gets worried about me, as I do her.

“Perfect.” I assured her. My hand found hers, and the love I felt from staring in her eyes was undeniable. Our fingers intertwined, and I realized how whole I felt in her presence. I think that she felt it to because at that moment she laid her head on my shoulder, her neck extended and she pressed her lips firmly to my cheek. Her lips brushed my ear and she mumbled an ‘I love you’.

“I love you too.” I replied surely and tightened my grip on her little hand. “To the moon-“ I started and pressed my forehead to hers.

“And back.” She mumbled and leaned forward a bit, our lips touching, in a soft passionate kiss. Every time our lips touched it felt like the first time, how that happened I wasn’t sure, but I knew I had never been happier in my entire life.

“Aww look at the cute couple.” Ashton said for the back. He was watching a video with Nev and he smiled to the two of us before returning to his video with Nev.

“Luke you okay?” Lex looked up to him, but he didn’t here. Luke had his earphones plugged in like always and he was staring out the window. She reached forward, our hands still attached as she patted his shoulder lightly. He turned to her taking out one of his earphones.

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