Beside You Part 14

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Lex P.O.V

The boys have been gone for a couple days now. Kaleb and I had been living on our own and it was odd to say the least. I was sitting at the kitchen table, trying to crunch numbers for our most recent bills that were coming in. Booda had joined me, lying by the papers biting the tip of the pen as I was writing. He loved getting into everything and it was almost every day that I found something new chewed up.

“Is everything okay?” Kaleb stumbled in the kitchen and walked to the fridge. I was getting a serious headache and all I knew is that the money that we had was nowhere near enough for how much we need. I mean yes, we didn’t have to pay rent, but there was the water bill, and cable bill, electric bill,  car insurance, and gas, and money for food, the things we needed to pay never seemed to end.  

“I need to get a job.” I grunted throwing the pen down. “And so do you, we just don’t have money.” I held my head, it was throbbing to say the least.

“Then let’s do it. Let’s use today to apply for jobs.” Kaleb suggested and sat down next to me. I nodded, my head still aching.

“How the hell are we going to do this Kaleb?” I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. “We can’t live alone.”

“We will do it. Don’t worry about it.” His hand rested on my back and he rubbed it softly.

“Will we? I miss the boys.” I frowned significantly, pulling myself back. Booda jumped on my lap and rubbed his face on my stomach, as if he knew I was upset.

“I do to.” Kaleb laughed. I let my hands find Booda and I let the feeling of his soft fur calm me. “But come on, the day is wasting!” Kaleb stood up and went to slip his shoes on. I picked Booda up out of my lap and kissed his little head before setting him on the table.

“Fine.” I grunted and slipped my converse on. “You’re lucky I did my resume a while ago.” I went into the kitchen and pulled out my resume and Kalebs from the draw where I kept them. There were tons of copies of each.

“Let’s go.” Kaleb opened the door for me, and I grabbed my phone and exited the flat, hoping that maybe we could find a job or something at least and bills won’t be such a big worry.

“So, where do you want to work, the whole city is ours.” Kaleb gestured around the shops.

“Really anywhere would be fine.” I looked around London. It was my favorite place in the entire world and I was lucky enough to live here.

“Then let’s apply everywhere.” Kaleb suggested and that is what we tried to do.

We started on the left side of the street putting our applications in every shop we could, and none of them were really assuring. We had walked down three blocks and probably already applied to every shop that existed. We were drained from talking to so many people, and we were tired of hearing ‘We aren’t really looking for help sorry.’ or ‘You just aren’t experiment enough’

“Do you think any of them will call?” I wondered to Kaleb and he shrugged his shoulders. We were walking back on the right side of the street, there wasn’t as many shops, or anything really, but a couple things here or there.

“Oh goodness.” I grunted and looked at the couple shops on this strip. “If we don’t get money soon I am going to have suck it up and call Harry.” I frowned and we were a block away from the flat. That is when we reached the end of the block and a shop caught my eye.

It was a bright color building, with big orange letters on the front that read ‘Aaron’s Tea Shop.’ I stopped in the front peering inside, everything about the shop was alluring.

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