Chapter 29: Too Fast

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- To Fast: part one -

And then she got up and walked away! What's she up to?" I asked Sophia, explaining what happened well we sat on her top bunk bed. She shrugged.
"I think, to be honest, she's trying to take Carl"
"No... Really?" I asked sarcastically, earning a glare.
"I'm sorry... I'm just worried its true" I sighed.
"You should go find him! You know, make sure he ain't under her goddess spell" Sophia giggled.
"Haha very funny, but yeah good point" I have her a hug and climbed down the narrow ladder and went to find Carl.
"Yeah I know you got her... But I'm better" I heard Lulu whisper. I walked into the kitchen and was standing five feet behind Carl and Lucky saw me and grinned a wicked smile before smashing her lips onto his, did he pull away? Tried for like two seconds before kissing her back. What? to fast! way to fast!
"See you around" Lulu smiled before passing him and bumping into my shoulder.
"That was fast" I have a low hurt chuckle.
"Maxie! It's not what you think! I- She- uh" Carl started.
"Save it Carl" I looked away, facing a wall, avoiding his gaze.
"I got to go" I sniffled before running into the cleared tombs and then a room I could lock on the inside. It was dark in the room, it looked to be an office. All of a sudden the lights turned on and six small screens lit up, showing the prison and everyone in it.
"Daryl got the power working" I mumbled to myself. I sat there for about two hours and I don't think anyone has come for me. Who knows I'm gone? Are Autumn and Lulu with Woodbury? Did Carl really just cheat on me?
No one, good chance, and yes stupid. I answered. After another hour and a half I stopped my sobbing and started to quietly sing Viva la Vida by Coldplay to get everything off my mind.
"I used to rule the world. Seas would rise when i gave the word. Now in the mornings i sleep alone, sweep the streets i used to own" I let out a sigh and crawled into the large comfy chair and eyed the monitors.
"Carl, you don't need her. I'm here" Lulu whispered well she retched for his hand.
"Lucky, I love Max. I'm not interested in you at all" Carl said, standing up from sitting on the bed.
"Why'd you kiss me back?" She questioned.
"I don't know!" Carl shouted.
"She's going to leave!" Lulu shouted at his back.
"Why?" Carl growled.
"You broke your promise! why should she keep hers?" she snapped.
"And... it's what she does. She runs like the little scared child she is" she finished.
"She- no! and she's not a child! she's brilliant! Talented! Amazing! Beautiful! And Brave!" Carl protested.
"Get your head out of the clouds Grimes! she's a child who lives in her imagination! She's acts like she lives in a book of fairy tales and romance and crap! reality check!" Lucky shouted. Ok yes sorta, I do live in my imagination at times, I can act like a child. But I love it!
"You two are not in love. Your two are just children. You don't know what love is!"
"I-" Carl started before looking at the floor.
Enough of that, I turned off that monitor, feeling tears in my eyes burning. I looked to the other screen and saw Autumn, Daryl, Rick, Glenn, and Maggie fighting off walkers that a prisoner had let in.
"God. Rick! The baby!" Lori yelled. I jumped out of the room and into the cell to grab my gun, knives and crossbow before running outside to Lori, Maggie and Carl.
"This way!" I yelled has they followed.
"How'd they get in?" Maggie yelled.
"A prisoner! The short black one, not to sound racist" I shouted well we ran through the tombs.
"In here!" Carl shouted has we ran into a small room. I stood guard has Maggie yelled push and Lori screamed.
"Maggie. Cut it out! " Lori gasped.
"Carol learned that! Not me!" Maggie cried. After they argued Maggie agreed.
"Maxie has a knife..." Lori whispered.
"I-" I started before it was taken by Maggie.
"I'm sorry..." Maggie cried before she drove the knife far into her stomach, making Lori scream.
"Stop! Stop your hurting her!" Carl shouted. Well I turned around and faced the door, sobbing.
Soon the screaming stopped and a child's cry filled the room.
"It's a girl!" Maggie smiled through tears.
"Max... Come here" Lori whispered. I slowly walked over and held her hand.
"Your brave, strong, and smart, take care or my baby and Carl" i cant tell her now that were aren't really together any more! so I just nodded. Lori smiled before looking to Carl.
"You have my approval Carl. Don't hurt that girl, I mean it. She's a keeper. And also your little sister, Judith, that's her name... Tell your dad I love him. And I love you, my baby boy! Oh I love you" Lori laughed, well tears steamed down her face before she passed away.
Maggie stood up and passed Judith to me well she loaded her gun just in case.
"Lets go"
I passed Judith back to her and did the same with my gun, not wanting to loose so much arrows.
"We can't leave her!" Carl shouted.
"She'll turn" he whispered. Me and Maggie walked away to the door, Maggie crying into Judith fragile shoulder. All you could hear we're our sobs before a gun shot filled the air and Carl came around the corner with a tear stained face but he seemed calm.

He just... shot Lori, his mother...

( sorry if this chapter was confusing, miss spelt a bit and whatever. iPod glitched out so I had to re-right half of it)

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