Chapter Nine: My knight

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I tried opening my eyes but it was just a blur, I retched for the back of my head and felt a bump from being it. I finally forced my eyes open after several moments and got a look at my surroundings, I was in what looked like a storage room. I tried getting up but my vision blurred again and fell back against the wall, I looked up to see the ceiling hoping I was dreaming.

"Rise and shine" A voice said Reminding me of Daryl.

Shanes POV

I shoved the the paper in my pocket and grabbed what I came for then headed out to find Josefine. I entered the pharmacy an saw the duffle bag on the ground along with her weapons. She's gone. I grinned at how easy this was.
I collected her things and the supplies before jogging off to the jeep.

Finally. The Greene gate. I put on my best sad look and set my lie up.

Sophia's POV

I'm so worried. What will I do if I lose my best friend?
"Hey Carl!" Get your mind off it, she'll be back!
"Do you like Jose?" I asked. He blushed.
"A little. Don't say anything!" He begged.
"She likes you so don't worry" I spilled and he smiled.
"Where is she?" He asked, loosing is smile and replacing it with a worried look.
"A run with Shane"
"What ?! No" just then the Jeep pulled out and Shane, just Shane, stepped out carrying her stuff and the supplies.
"Where is she?" I called. Fearing the worst.
"I made a run to the station, came back and she was dead" that didn't sound right.
"Why didn't you bring her back?" I yelled, tears forming
"I. She. Um. A horde was in there. I had no way" but you could grab her stuff.
"W-what?" Carl whispered.

Carl's POV

My knees buckled and I fell to the ground tears coming. Those tears were replaced with anger.
"No! I'm going to get her. Bring her back!" I screamed.

"What's wrong?" My dad asked everyone forming a house show around us.
"Josefines dead" Shane spat. Gasped filled the air has everyone began to cry, I looked at Soph who was crying onto her moms side.
"Dad. I'm getting her, she should be here with us, she doesn't deserve to be left out there" he nodded and right away we began packing.
Daryl agreed to drive and we all climbed into Daryl's truck. Even if she's dead, I need to tell her how I feel.
I sat quietly in the back seat has I starred out the window at the blurred landscape.
We drove around countless times before finding the pharmacy, I jumped out of the truck and ran in. What? There was only to dead walkers on the ground with one of their eyes stabbed out and no blood.
"Wrong pharmacy" my dad said.
"It's the only one" Daryl said, searching for tracks.

"She was standing over here getting teeth stuff and ran into trouble, two people, men I believe, grabbed her. There's another set of tracks here, walked in, walked out. Shane" Daryl spoke after a few minutes.
"She was taken?" I said. He nodded.

Josefines POV

"Listen kid. I'll take you back to your group. Tell me where they are"
"Listen dumb guy, my group ain't your business" I spat just has the back side of his hand connected with my face.
"Merle. Treat her with respect if you wanna find your brother" said an older man who looked about thirty.
"I'm Sean, this is Merle. And also my sons Tim and Dylan and daughter Tessa Who are on a run" Sean said,
"What Merle gotta do with your family?"
"Helping him look for his brother"
"Yeah names Daryl" Merle spoke. I tensed.
"Your in the group! Now you take me to him before I blow your freaking dumbass brains out" he said well tilting is gun to me head.
"I ain't worth the bullet" I spat.
"You ain't worth a soul either'
"Ooh ouch" I spoke in sarcasm. He punched my gut knocking the wind out of me and Sean left the room when a knock came. A man about eighteen stood in the door way whispering to Sean. I take it he's Tim.
"Guess we have guests. Dylan! Tim! Grab the girl" he said referring to me. Just then Tim and a boy about fourteen walked in, he was attractive but I ignored it. They untied my hands from the chairs arms before tying them behind my back and placing an old potato bag on my head, gross.
"Tessa you'd better come. You know your job" I didn't now what he means by that but I'm sure it's not good.

I was ruffly pushed into a cars trunk has we drove around the ghost town.

I still have my swift army knife about my hands are bound behind me.
Just then the car skid to a stop. And the sounds of bullets began to bounce of the car.
"Carl no!" Rick yelled.
"Rick! Carl! Help" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
The trunk opened and the light flood in three the bag. I smiled hoping to be saved but only to be squished to the side has about her body was thrown in.
"Ow. Can't you sit in the back seat!" I screamed.
"Jose? Oh god jose?" A familiar voice spoke.
"Carl?" I whispered.
"Yeah it's me" I wish I could see him. His smile could save me right now, like he was reading my mind, The bag was removed from my head has I realized Carl's hands were tied in the fount. I could barley see him but I could tell he was smiling.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"To get your walker body. Shane said you died getting attached. And then some girl was distracting us saying she needed help and then I got grabbed and I think my dad and Daryl are fine."
"No. I was clubbed in the back of the head. And i hope so. They gotta man with them. Merle. Wants his brother, Daryl."
"Merle. Did he hurt you?" He asked. I knew he couldn't see my face from the darkness.
"Uh. A little." I whispered. Just then I realized how close we were, our chest touching. It was a bit uncomfortable yet felt natural, being so close. Carl brought his hands up and tired his best to get them untied.
"I'll get us out if here. I promise" he whispered before kissing my forehead.
I wish I could just tell him how I feel like in the movies. The gun firing stopped and we sped off.
"Carl I'm scared" I whimpered.
"It's ok, I'm right here" he said well leaning his head against mine. City boy meets farmer daughter or niece I guess.
The car stopped and we were dragged out into the same room I started in.
"Merle will be here right away" Tim said, walking out.
Now with the light Carl could see my face. He walked over to me and ran his thumb over my busted lip.
Just then he brought his lips softly on mine just pecking my lips. I closed my eyes smiling and looked up at him.
"I promise we will get out here" he whispered again. I nodded, feeling speechless. My first kiss..

"I have my swift army knife. Can you grab it?" He nodded.
"I'll try" he grabbed the black shoelace but found it a bit difficult with his hands tied together.
"I can't" he frowned.
"Grab the swift army knife. Not the shoelace" I gulped. It was hidden under my shirt which means he'll have to reach down for it. His eyes followed the string and he blushed.
"Uh. You sure?" He asked, I just nodded, not really but if it meant we could live then yes. Since he was taller then me by two feet he could easy grab it. He put his hands through the top of my shirt reaching for the knife. His hands felt soft against my skin.
"Got it" he smiled. He brought his hand back out, thank god because that was awkward, and yanked the string over my head.
"It's the third one" I said well he looked for the knife. He flicked it up and I turned around well he cut me loose. After I was I turned around and grabbed the knife from him.

Carl's POV

I kept think of the kiss, ok well it wasn't a real kiss but still my first. I looked into her brown eyes well she grabbed the knife. I held my wrist after she cut me free and hugged her after she put the knife away.
I looked her in the eyes and noticed her eyes watering, like she yawned or something
"You ok?" I asked.
"Yeah. Eyes just bugged I guess from being knocked out" She said well rubbing her eyes. Looking her in the eyes I realized one was green.
"Um jose. Your left eye is green" I said.
"My contact!" She yelled.
"Why do you have brown coloured contacts?" I asked.
"I'll explain later. Lets get out of here first. " she said well taking out the right eye contact, making both eyes green.
I nodded has we mad our way to the door. Locked. I looked around finding an attic entry.

Jose POV

Carl pointed to the attic way and lifted me up by my feet well I opened it, I had a rather hard time since it was to high but lucky us this was a small room and low roof. I crawled up and looked around for something to help Carl up. Rope, perfect. I lowered it down and he began to climb.
After he made it up I closed the attic way up so no one could find us. I stepped on the boards so I wouldn't fall through and Carl did the same the only light was coming from the small window. I grabbed an old dusty book that was sitting on a dresser and tossed it hard at the window making it shatter. I kicked the rest off and climbed through the window to the roof and waited for Carl. After he made it out we ran over to the edge and I jumped, loving the wind in my hair has I did so.
Carl wasn't right behind me he stood there scared.
"Carl, I'm right here" I whispered well extending my hands out. He nodded before running forward and jumping landing perfectly.
"Fun eh?" I asked. He just smiled.
After a few more roofs the truck came in view. We waved our hand before it stopped for us. I walked over to the edge and jumped to the shed so I was low enough to jump in the trucks trunk, Carl right behind. Not having enough time to get in the seats we laid down in the truck and Carl had his arms around my waist and I the same to him.

This will be a long but pleasant drive.

Chapter. Nine! Secrets unfolding around Jose


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